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So let me get this straight...rioters and looters aren’t responsible for their actions. But I’m responsible for things people did 200 years ago?

Slava3 7 June 16

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Slavery is very much alive today! How come no one is speaking about that, or raising their finger to change it?

I would like to see every one put their energy towards helping all who are being auctioned today get out of the system.

As for those calling me racist, I have equal right to call you the same. You are not equally compassionate for the white slaves of the past, and the present.

Slavery is a sin under any color of the skin. It is just that the rioting is not bringing any solution to slavery. But I think it may help improve the police behavior . And yes, police brutality extends to white people, probably in smaller numbers, but it is there.

I think the police brutality towards the black people gives power to discrimination where otherwise there would not have been as much.

I think we need to reform the police first, and the side effect will trickle down in a positive direction.

Slava3 Level 7 June 18, 2020

To gain some insight into the situation as it currently is read or listen to "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, 10th Anniversary Edition"
Protesters "yes!" Rioters and looters "NO!" They are criminals Also read Gene Sharp on "The Politics of Nonviolent Action."

As long as USA keeps electing war criminals and polluters our economy continues to provoke victims to violence... the protesters are more white than black enjoying higher incomes and savings during this quarantine....TrumpOLINI & Congress are bailing out millionaires waging illegal wars in 160 countries
....all those trillions are more than enough to pay reparations NOW


No, but you do have to take responsibility for your racism and choice to perpetuate the misguided mindset. Whether or not someone else is held accountable is irrelevant to the fact that we are individually responsible for our own actions.


There are rioters and looters, and then there are protesters. Looters and rioters belong in jail. Protesting is a Constitutional right in the USA. It's a shame many people do not know their rights while others try to obfuscate those rights by inferring protesters are rioters and looters--otherwise there would be no reason for the OP.


Protest without pain or loss is most often ignored. When pain is felt, something is done.

Your attitude is responsible for what’s continued for too long, making you the problem - not the solution.

Varn Level 8 June 17, 2020

Take a seat and while you're there, do a little research


No one said they aren't responsible. They aren't the root of the problem, but yes they are responsible. Without the root problem, it wouldn't be going on. 400 years of abuse and worse is the root problem. That is where you look first. Like yourself, it is quite simple.


Why do you claim rioters and looters aren't responsible for their actions?

Who is asking or making you be responsible for actions done 200 years ago?


I'll say this, you want looters responsible, you don't mention police murdering black people. Who said that looters are not responsible? Who said you're to blame for slavery? That is the "things people did 200 years ago"' you were talking about. Right?

barjoe Level 9 June 16, 2020

These feelings are not relevant nor related in the same topic.....riots are symptomatic of unemployment and resentment of police brutality....looters are not greedy just acting out deep resentments locally.... they all should be held accountable in ways to correct for past evils....if unemployed and confessing to riots and looting they can be put to work cleaning up and helping innocent store owners ..... we all live on stolen land our economy is built upon past are in the class of oppressed women and due reparations like all victims....reparations to come from the oldest and current wealthiest exploiters polluters and killers

our economy is built on past AND PRESENT EVILS.. it is on your dime

That is true, as it is probably true of every society that has ever existed. Individually, we cannot make amends for these injustices of the past. Most people lack the resources to do. But as a society we can take action to eliminate the equality of today. But there's no way to truly remunerate injustices done to people that have been dead for centuries.

And it's not just one group of people who have suffered injustices in the past but pretty much every minority... blacks, Native Americans, Asian Americans, gays and transgendered... and that's just in the U.S. over the past few hundred years. Humans have been killing and enslaving each other for millenia.

The best course is to learn from the mistakes of the past and try to do better in the future.

@Charles1971 USA has made reparations many times and must do more....your are wrong to claim "we" above

@Charles1971 you are declaring THE WORST COURSE and preventing learning about evils that continue
....reparations seeve to prevent future evils by taxing perpetrators

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