You get only one choice... which will it be?
Because we are a product of our genes and environment, we really have no choice (or we have one choice which is no choice). We feel like we have freedom to choose but we don't. You won't choose a chocolate milkshake if your preference is vanilla (unless you have been challenged by a question like this and are being contrary, but again that is no choice). I'm a determinist.
Some research found here .
So my answer is Choice is an illusion
Paradox of choice, not choosing is a choice. By the statement, you are making a presumption that to "not choose" is in fact not choosing.
Neat little video where toward the end it explains trying to put english into logic.
@TheMiddleWay Words can be ... Words can be. Words do exist.
Surely it must depend on what things you are choosing between or not choosing between. If I am asked to choose between a kick in the ass or being given a million dollars, naturally I would choose to choose. If it was between being given a quearn or a mifftle, I would choose not to choose because I don’t know what those are.
@TheMiddleWay Do you mean in general for all occasions? Not for specific situations? Would I choose to have free will?
Am I confused?
It would certainly depend on what I was choosing to choose or choosing not to choose, because how can one know if they would choose to choose or not choose if they don't know what they are choosing to choose or choosing to not choose? I've officially entered that place where the word 'choose' has been repeated so many times I no longer recognize it as a word in my language.
Can you guess which vote is mine?
@TheMiddleWay Haha, yes, it is.
I'm not answering any questions unless I get paid.
@VeronikaAnnJ I'll do anything with anybody for a dollar.
@VeronikaAnnJ Sure. Kiss him on the lips with my boot!
@VeronikaAnnJ You hold his head.