This could be a very bad thing.
So the gov't asks you to pay into social security and medicare for years and years.....and then when you're old enough to start drawing on it, they say "we need to do away with these "entitlements" - they're just too costly.
They also did away with the defined benefit pension plans which were fully employer funded - (even tho employers got a sweet tax deduction for their contributions!) under the guise of "freedom for people to have more choice and control over their retirement investments"....we now give you the "401". And now they have figured out how to tweak that program so that your retirement money could literally disappear before the average investor even knew there were any shakeups looming in the market.... Talk about a stacked deck. And it ain't in your favor - middle America. It's going to get to the point where we will have to start buying our savings in coffee cans in the back yard again!
sorry....was supposed to be "bury" your savings. hahahahahah
@Lavergne And if you don't have a back yard you are screwed.