Circa 1980...
Inherited the family homestead, and moved from a progressive city to where it’s fleeing rednecks planned to make their final stand. The rural county went from Democratic ‘everything,’ to Republican ever since... Sick and sad to witness. Fell in love with rural living, though, dreading ‘visits home,’ to the working class corner of Portland, OR.
My mother loved/ loves the damn city, though. Having grown up the only (obvious) Atheist in a rural midwestern town, she’d remind us often why she fled - “Anonymity,” she’d say! She’s still there, as politically aware as ever … don’t know what she saw in my dad
The 80’s for me were digging in - and dropping out. As friends were in the heat of competition, it seemed I had everything I wanted or needed. While they were dressing up, I was dressing down. “You’d have made a fine Hippy” was a compliment I’d received from one.. But getting back to the land in the GoGo Eighties wasn’t all that ‘cool’ or respectable. ...and that damned Reagan … the beginning of the end..