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Amid pandemic, Trump asks Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act

In the midst of a pandemic and without an alternative health plan of its own, the Trump administration formally called on the U.S. Supreme Court to completely strike down the Affordable Care Act.

The Trump administration makes the case in a legal brief filed Thursday in the case brought by 20 Republican-led states that want to completely invalidate the law.


Biden Sharply Rebukes Trump

"In one of his sharpest rebukes of President Donald Trump to date, former Vice President Joe Biden lambasted the president's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, comparing Trump to a whining child.

"(Trump's) like a child who can't believe this has happened to him -- all his whining and self pity. This pandemic didn't happen to him. It happened to all of us. And his job isn't to whine about it, his job is to do something about it -- to lead," Biden said in a speech in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Thursday.


LiterateHiker 9 June 26

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The SC will not be back until October and even then they do not have to take the case. If they take it, it will not be heard until next spring long after donnie is gone. He's blowing hot air for the faithful.


Thank you. That's reassuring.


"Trump ASKS supreme court"? Must be fake news! When did he EVER ask?

Petter Level 9 June 26, 2020

If this happens all the hospitals that have been caring for Covid patients will immediately go bankrupt. No more hospitals to serve people. A new par of the Cheeto health plan. Instead of let them die, it is quickly becoming, just kill them.


I think he is trying to obliterate the entire middle class so you only have the very rich and pheasants who make them richer ,where have we seen this before

The name of the book Reagan quoted as a resource for his plan was, "The Road to Serfdom." Is that a good enough indicator?


He's still fighting Obama?! What an idiot? It's not about health care, this is about racism!!

We need to get this racist bastard out!!!

the cheeto owes the Chinese over a billion and a half dollars. Would this have anything to do with the plan?


The whining child is a good way to put it. That, plus narcissism, and pure insanity

When you consider most of his followers are whining children.....


Right now the biggest disease in the country isn't coronavirus, it's trump.


Wat a calloused, destructive cretin he idiot Trump is!

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