Theres different kinds of sheep. Religious sheep, you all know well. Media sheep, omg coronavirus, omg go outside and protest forget about coronavirus, omg go back inside coronavirus. Marxist sheep: slaves to government. Corporate sheep: slave to a job.
And of course the most annoying sub species of all, The indoctrinated Liberal sheep.
Very true
@HarrySlick classical liberalism supported capitalism, small government. Modern liberalism is simply marxist ideology and to expand the welfare state.
Is anyone not a slave to a government? Get out of line and they will put you in your place, regardless of your ideology.
The only people who can manage to break away from government control and taxation are the uberwealthy and those who are a part of government.
Capitalist sheep, slaves to money and commercial materialism.
Actually, the opposite is true. Capitalists don't work for money.
Capitalist sheep don't work for the money, and that's a problem, but they are still slaves to materialism and the constant need to accumulate wealth.
And it's even worse for the capitalist cheer leaders who embrace the ideology but have no capital themselves.
Plus there are multiple ways to structure a capitalist system. The present cannabalistic/ predatory model is the most unethical, immoral version of the model.
For sure, and it seems like a lot of people are finally waking up to that fact.