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The following is part 1 of a 3 part series:

"Understanding Donald Trump, Part I"

I do not know how to even begin to understand the behavior of Donald Trump. He is deathly afraid of losing the election and being labeled a loser. He does not like the demands on him in being the president of the U.S. He is too lazy and the demands are far beyond his capabilities. Were it not for his fear of being labeled a loser, he would drop out of the race for the presidency again. So he is in a terrible psychological bind.

So, he has to remain in the political race. In continuing the campaign, we would expect such a ruthlessly amoral person to do absolutely everything he could – legal or not – to absolutely ensure a victory. Yet, his choices of actions in th role of president are consistently stripping away one bloc of potential supporter, one by one. His choices in relation to the COVID 19 pandemic are making it abundantly clear that he so desperately wants a booming economy to ensure a victory for himself. Those actions make it equally clear that he does not care about the American people. If it takes 500,000 American deaths to ensure his victory, so be it. At the same time, he behavior is to anti-science and anti-reason that he is turning off hundreds of thousands of thinking and educated people.

To continue in the matter of knowledge and reason, Trump’s behavior, in general, shows a total disdain for rational thinking, knowledge, education, and veracity. He is, bit by bit, turning off thinking, educated, and rational people who are not part of the culture of absolute greed. They know that, in order to make good decisions for themselves and their families, they absolutely need truthful, factional and rationally formulated information so that they can make good decisions. By now, they know that they will never get that from Donald Trump.

wordywalt 9 July 1

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Well stated. 🙂


"I do not know how to even begin to understand the behavior of Donald Trump."

I understand it perfectly. He's a narcissistic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, sexual predator, ... oh and stupid. Very stupid.

Not trying to complain, wouldn't the very stupid look a lot better in bold print? 🤔😉😁

It is more and worse than that. There is true mental illness involved.

@wordywalt Yeah, an extreme case of narcissism which has never been addressed and always validated because of privileges he garnered being rich and white. A narcissistic personality disorder is a mental illness that leads to human beings just being objects in which to fulfill personal desires because of an inability to empathize with others; which leads us to the sexism, xenophobia and racism.

He's not that deep. He's just a rich white man who has been given the benefit of the doubt all his life. There are even people doing it today in the face of all his lies and crimes. Say whatever you want but white supremacy works for white rich men in America.

@oldFloyd , @redbai That would be very stupid, very, very stupid.

@redbai I think his behavior has encouraged others to act that way, being all about the money, ready to sue someone at the drop of a hat, no qualms about who gets hurt.

@redbai I am an old white man who was raised in the south, and it sure as hell does not work for me!!!! Be careful about stereotyping.

@wordywalt You're not an old black man living in the south and I'll bet they have an entirely different perspective of that than you do. I've got several black relatives that live in the south and they don't agree with you in the least. If you don't think that you have white privilege then you've simply been allowed to ignore it all your life. Black people can't.

What I noticed is that you haven't disputed that it's the case with Trump who I've been addressing all along, as my responses had nothing to do with you.

@redbai Even as a child, I hated the racism I saw in the south. I knew full well that it hurt Black people and I haetd it. I remember crying at what I saw racism doing to Black men I knew and valued as friends. I also stood up to pathological racist trying to pick fights with a Black boy, and I gave them the choice of stopping or having two people to fight at once if they actually provoked a fight. I understand much more than you give me crit for.

@wordywalt You apparently don't know that absolutely none of what you claim mitigates that you also received privileges those black boys you're talking about didn't get just because you were white. The fact that you are trying so hard to deny that obvious fact says that you aren't as "tuned in" to the the manifestations of racism that you claim. The idea that you had some "black friends" is one of the oldest pseudo-defenses against being racist there is and you toss it out as if it means something.

You've also apparently lost site of the fact that we aren't talking about you, we're talking about Trump. How or why you wish to defend yourself is a mystery to me as I was talking about Trump. Are you claiming that he hasn't received privileges and the benefit of the doubt because of his skin color and wealth? Are you denying that his narcissism doesn't manifest as sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia? Are you trying to make the claim that he's some deep persona and intellect that is to complex to understand instead of an ignorant, self-absorbed bigot?

@redbai Again, you are dead wrong. I knew that I had a future that they did not, and the difference made me sad. I worked side-by-side with Black teenagers from dawn to dusk in tobacco fields in the hot summer sun for $4.00 a day. Please do not presume to know what I knew and saw every day. That is presumptuous of you. I am trying to carry on a dialogue, but you seem to want to rant.

I absolutely abhor the idiot Trump and want to see the SOB in prison, and living in shame and ridicule. To defeat someone, you have to try to understand them so that you can attack their weak spots.

@wordywalt Continuing to make this about yourself. I guess you can't help it.

Please do no presume that you "understand" the black experience in America because you worked in a field on hot summer days for $4.00 a dollars a day. Is that what you think discrimination and the manifestation of racism is? Having to work hard in a field? So do you think that black people that didn't toil in that field had it easy and racism didn't affect their lives or did you also work in every other job a black person worked in to "understand" those black experiences.

The sad part is that you think you're "woke". You don't even realize how insulting it is to reduce the experience of black people to hard work in a field which ignores all the variety in our lives and experiences.

@redbai I heard from an x friend that its far worse all over europe and that ppl of color should be glad they are here being white I have no clue I know I worry for a beloved son in law

@wordywalt I'm not sure how you thought @redbai was stereotyping you?


Donald Trump shows all the signs of being a sociopath, and that combined with his “little rich White boy” mentality, gifted to him from his father along with a long list of undesirable personality traits, makes him uniquely unqualified to be President of the United States. He is an opportunist and saw that if he hitched his wagon to the Republican Party and promised them what they wanted to hear they’d buy it unquestioningly, and they did. Unfortunately, by a large number of US citizens buying into his sales pitch, either because they believed him, or had motives of their own, he got elected. His incompetence is glaringly obvious, as is his sociopathic behaviour, but it’s a case of “the Emperor’s new clothes”with the Republican Party, they refuse to see it because they backed their horse and now they need to keep backing it, otherwise they will lose the race. The American public needs to hold all these enablers of Trump to account, because without them he could not hold on to the office of POTUS.


Part 1 of 3: Trump is a fucking traitor.
Part 2 of 3: he is also an imbecile.
Part 3 of 3: he should hang for treason or at least life for all his depravity and corruption.
Any questions?


All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure like he NEVER imagined...i am sure he is now losing sleep at night thinking, "maybe running for POTUS WASN'T such a good idea"...😂😂😂...I will bet Malaria files the Divorce Papers within 24 hours to try and cover her financial well being...Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric and Jared are also going down with him and he is scum enough to throw them under the bus to try and save his own ass. This latest round of deceit with the Bounty on our Troops Heads is nothing short of TREASON...he is so far over his head it isn't funny.

barr is trying to put a stop to that now but I wanna see him dragged out of the white house screaming that fake news created all this and he is innocent ....I wanna see him stripped of his wealth which is actually huge debt and jailed along with the rest of his criminal family so that they all have to suck dick for romin soup.......rico rico rico

@Powder I'm pretty sure that the Iranian general was killed for the benefit of MBS. The General was heavily involved in the Saudi war in Yemen. This was partly payback for the bombing of the Saudi refineries (That the General arranged). What did Trump get out of it? Money.

@powder I googled this and nowhere could I find any dismissal of "bounty bollocks" other than from Trump or his team. There has been a hastily prepared memo that can see no smoking gun but financial payments were made. "Some former national security officials said the account of the memo indicated that politics may have influenced its production."
The latest news item I could find was this. If you have a better source please share

@powder Yes I read that and it was far from a U-turn.
"The memo said that the C.I.A. and the National Counterterrorism Center had assessed with medium confidence — meaning credibly sourced and plausible, but falling short of near certainty — that a unit of the Russian military intelligence service, known as the G.R.U., offered the bounties, according to two of the officials briefed on its contents."
Does not sound like they think its bollocks at all. It sounds like they are playing up the uncertain nature of intelligence in order to bail out the boss

@powder The irony of the whole drug thing there is that a few years back there was a worldwide morphine shortage. Afganistan had fields of poppies that the US was destroying and they could have just bought it but powers that be said no.

@powder The same Russian outfit that is accused of setting this up is the same unit that poisoned those people in Salisbury. So we know they are capable of it. Large amounts of money have been transferred. Okay, no smoking gun but then that's` often the case with intelligence.
There are also the reports that British MI6 uncovered are "honeypot" operation that the Russians sprung on Trump involving hookers and watersports. The UK govt. kept a lid on it because they want to keep things sweet with the US for post-Brexit trade deals. If this is true (and it seems credible) then Trumps pro-Russia stance makes more sense

@powder There is one very important thing that this current crisis has taught us. Is that is is extremely dangerous to assume that our governments are that smart. With the very notable exception of NZ. All of them have acted in a shortsighted and reckless manner. particularly the US, UK and Russia.
Then there is the matter of Russian interference in elections. The Muller report* and huge money for the vote leave campaign (Brexit) in the UK.
If you are talking about Ukraine? Let me remind you that they are still in the middle of a bitter war of survival. Russia has annexed the Crimea and not too long ago shot down a commercial airliner. So I don't think that they worry too much about the consequences of their actions.
I do agree that there are some very slimy rocks yet to be upturned vis-a-vie Epstein and our supposed great and good. Not least Trump himself. Anyone who looks at his daughter that way obviously has a strong taste for fresh meat.

*The report stated that Russia did interfere with the US election. On that they are clear. The only thing that could not say for definite was that Trump's team colluded with them. Yet no action was taken.

@powder I doubt if the people of Ukraine would agree on your assessment of Russia as "non-aggressive" Neither would Georgia or Chechen. As for Putin getting away with it, that is a lot easier if you remove all political opposition, free press and civil rights, then get yourself made president for life. No wonder Trump has such a schoolboy crush on him.
May I add that it was not just social media meddling? There are those leaked Hillary emails. We know from the impeachment how much 45 likes to use foreign states to get political dirt.

@powder Well hacked then leaked.
Isreal is knotty one for me which I have gotten stick about and lost friends from both sides so normally I duck the discussion but hey here goes. (I have a Jewish daughter and her grandparents were Israeli Zionist, so is her mum and friends but I live in Liverpool where Corbyn is God)
It's all very well taking the Palestinian side 100% and opposed underdogs are an always very legit cause.
Except that not everything is always 100% Unless you say the Isreal has no right to exist, which is what Hamas, Syria and Iran to name few believe. In which case it is war and alls fair... And if Isreal has no right to exist then what of the USA, Canada. NZ and Australia, is there a statute of limitations on land appropriation? If so who decides? would you give up your deeds to any property you own to an Aboriginal tribe if the UN told you too?
So let us take the stance that Isreal has a right to be. But it does not have the right to annex any more land but what if they buy it 1st? Ah well under what circumstances?
But what about Palestinian rights? Much of their land was stolen but not their country. (Palestine was never a sovereign state) Many fled to other Arab nations yet none of them offered to give them the lands that the Jews left behind in Morroco, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt etc. All were just confiscated at the onset of Isreal. Be that as it's may Isreal owes that debt and it should be paid but for that, you would need some sort of negotiation and its hard to negotiate between two sides that just want to kill each other. After over 70 years of conflict, it's no wonder that Isreal is hard right and hawkish. Same goes for the PLO and Hamas.
That is all land rights and sovereignty but what about civil rights? Isreal boasts the best civil rights in the region. All citizens vote some are divided into being eligible for conscription, non-jews can claim exception but Bedouins, Druze and many more Muslims that you would think volunteer. If you were a woman, LGBTQ, or just an ordinary Joe Soap, you would not have a fraction of the rights you would have as an Israeli citizen than ANY other nation in the area. Then that is like saying: "I'm the nicest guy in this nick".
Then you get the media portrayal of the whole thing. For the most part, they are like me. Fucked either way so they only do the headlines. Isreal pushes its propaganda and smears anyone that vaguely hints and criticism as antisemitic (I have had this and my daughters Jewish ffs). So most goes unreported, from IDF oppression to Hamas floating Helium balloons with bombs attached for kids to pick up and if you dare try and find any middle ground you are viewed as on the side of the aggressor.


"Malignant narcissist" pretty much sums it up.

What Trump cares about, indeed, is winning. More importantly, he perceives the world in strictly economic terms. Everything is a zero-sum transaction. It's impossible for both parties to win. For one side to win, the other has to lose. There's nothing else to it. Therefore, it's impossible to negotiate a compromise where both sides give a little and get a little; because then, everybody would win something. That's not the way Trump's world works.

He sees the world in monetary terms. If America is spending money to base troops in other nations, those nations should be paying us protection money. He can't or won't understand that by assisting friendly nations, we maintain world peace and defend ourselves.

Finally, Trump's view of reality precludes the possibility that he might ever be wrong. When the facts prove him wrong, he doubles down on the errors. Not a "slip of the tongue", as in Biden saying "millions" instead of "thousands" which he then corrected right away, but huge factual errors, like the idea that imposing tariffs makes foreign nations pay the US. (It doesn't- it makes Americans pay extra to import goods, something any middle school student should know.) Or the idea that our NATO allies are somehow "in arrears" to us because they spend a lower portion of their GDP on their military. And he repeats these ideas over and over, even after being corrected by professionals. As a former aide said: "It's not in his DNA to apologize or admit he's wrong."

and, in so doing, he is killing himself politically -- and cannot stop himself.

@wordywalt Part 2 is that his core of followers, for reasons I can't begin to comprehend, forgive him completely for all of this. They are people who see compromise and admitting fault as weakness, inflexibility as strength. If you stake out a position and stick to it, no matter what new information comes along that might indicate a change of course, or even indicates you were just plain wrong; that's a sign of determination. Scientists are flip-floppers because their theories are just theories, they change every day, they don't really know anything, and besides, they're all part of the liberal establishment! The economy? All the problems are caused by foreigners taking our jobs and shithole countries ripping us off! Government regulations making it impossible to mine coal the way we used to!

And along comes Trump, confirming their biases, reaffirming what they think they know, telling comfortable lies instead of hard truths.

I guess I can comprehend why they forgive him. But I can't comprehend how they live with themselves.

@Paul4747 The reasons for his followers are their racism, bigotry, ethnocentrism, hate, ignorance, and/or greed.


I don't need nor want to understand him. Punch him in the face, repeatedly, sure. But understand? Nah I'm good

I can understand that. I loathe the subhuman cretin.


If he loses the election, the statute of limitations would not yet have run out on his ebstruction of justice as outlined in the Mueller Report. So, he may end up in jail if he loses.

We can sure hope it ends that way.

Or any of the other charges SDNY might bring.

There is about a zero percent chance we'll ever see an American former president in jail.

@JeffMurray Perhaps Terump feels embo0ldened because ti has never happened. So, they should make an example of him to discourage future politcians from doing bad deeds.

@snytiger6 Who's "they"? Other politicians? That's why.

@K9Kohle789 That's probably why Nixon died in jail.

@JeffMurray Nixon was pardoned by Ford who he appointed as his successor. Trump will not have that luxury

@K9Kohle789 @273kelvin Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see him behind bars, but I just don't see that ever happening to any president.

@JeffMurray Many will try, I suspect that he may die in slightly suspicious circumstances (a heart attack or some such) Failing that he may flee to Russia if the heat gets too hot

@K9Kohle789 I agree with all that (except for the part condemning the killing of animals in a particular way- if separating mother and young is legal for milk and veal production, we don't really have a moral leg to stand on for hunting) but the problem is as truly terrible as he is, Congress STILL failed to hold him accountable even one tiny bit for anything. If they don't even convict an impeachment, I doubt anyone would go after him and actually put him in prison. I think the optics of a president sitting in a prison cell is not something any state prosecutor will be able to stomach. Everyone is probably going to just be happy it's over and they're going to let him drift away into the trash heap of history.


Trump has never been anything but what he is. I still wonder how so many people can either not see that, or think it was/is ok for him to be in office.

I think many thought it might be ok to overlook his incompetence and greed as long as they could enhance their own financial situation.

I am sure that is true for many of them.

they are not getting money they are getting vengeance against Mexicans and negros its about race

@whiskywoman I think some thought they were going to benefit financially, but I don't think most gained anything. The haters are certainly there, and Trump just sees them are useful tools, and they seem to have no clue.

@itsmedammit exactly if they looked at what he is doing he is actually hurting them more than some others but he is ginning up the race hate and that is good for them now because of his lies more of them will be sick

He's always been a greedy, self-absorbed liar, conman, cheater etc. I would say, however, that dementia is new to the mix.


He needs to find a scapegoat or target for his demise, seems he’s already lashed out at about everyone…

He is something that should have been put to death in his ..twenties. We don’t allow that ...though he would.. Society must learn to watch for Narcissists, at all levels.

I expect the nation will be brought together against him. Hopefully, cleaning out his cadre of enablers, too. Problem is, those who set the table for him have benefited greatly … and will use their ill-gotten gains to find another one ..surely a bit smarter, and definitely more devious.

The Republicans need trounced in November - it’s the only way they’ll learn ~

Varn Level 8 July 2, 2020

As the latest news items regarding Trump break, I find it hard to believe that anyone with an IQ over 12 could still support him!
To begin to understand his behavior, at this point, one must think of a cornered rat, and extrapolate from there.


He is also afraid of federal charges he could and probably will face if he loses or does not run.

fingers crossed that is why barr has moved to try and put a cronie in the prosecutors position and was outsmarted.....kind of speaks to barr's competence

@whiskywoman New President, new AG, new ballgame. 🙂

@Sticks48 and I know biden is not perfect but he will hire better people right away and his character is much easier to defend and we will see better leadership with a few funny gadffs not outright lies or rubbing his treason in our faces defying us to so something

@whiskywoman There is no perfect. He will definitely put better people in. He is already known and trusted by our allies. He has friends on the other side of the aisle in the Senate, and eight years experience at the highest level of the government. Obama always seemed to have him in for important meetings just as Clinton did Gore. He will be fine.


Trump not only failed to act but also hampered the U.S. government from reacting in a timely and responsible manner to a deadly pandemic. I would like to seem him arrested and tried before an international court for willful and negligent homicide, and other crimes against humanity. The deaths of tens of thousands (at least) of Americans is on his hands.


you wanna know trump?
his father was a big KKK supporter if not member--he was also a Nazi sympathiser
his mother allowed this maggot to impregnate her-- a true Eva Braun


Didn’t fall far from the tree … and neither did his pathetic spawn..

And, his grandfather left Germany, or Austria, in order to avoid military service.


I agree with every word you have written. In WTF News they normally show a percentage of people who think Trump is bad. Recently they showed that 87% of us are un-happy.


Sounds like it's all about denial. Denial about being a loser when he is a loser to the highest level. Nixon claimed he was not a crook when all around saw that he was. tRump claims (to himself) he is not a loser and yet all people with a half ounce of sense sees he is a huge loser.

Despie his claims it is NOT about him but the country and he need to go!!!!


I’ve become addicted to watching late night US comedians just to get some sort of laughter out of it.

Mvtt Level 7 July 1, 2020

. . . a lot of unsubstantiated assertions there. 😛


Perhaps. But I think of this more as an op-ed where the writer uses understanding of human nature to extrapolate what a person’s motives might be.

The FACTS that substantiate those assertions are on very public display, 24/7.

@Kaiser_Soze @LimitedLight . . . so far NO sources for these 'facts' have been linked-to (I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying sources corroborate 'facts' ). 😛

@LimitedLight I'm not the one claiming assertions (facts), the burden of credibility is on the poster. Opinions don't require sources, alleged 'facts' do. Otherwise BS 😮

@LimitedLight I (apparently wrongly) concluded that you were defending wordywalt (I did mention poster, not comments). Prior to your video, I don't think I had ever heard of Patrick. I have no idea why you would (are) make claims about what I know/don't.

Posting/commenting without sources on a website with Critical Thinkers predominating is bound to result in questions/critique, unless all that is being hoped-for is an 'echo chamber'. 😮

My point was (and still is) the OP has unsubstantiated assertions.

nothing would be enough not here but other places I have listed sources and they spin it as we all do but there were lots of good points and correct ones just cause they didn't list enough "proof" for you doesn't mean its not valid

@LimitedLight amen and thanks no amount of proof is enough for some

@whiskywoman I look for credible evidence and ADVOCATE to NOT use the 'prove' word -- apart from math, not even science "proves" anything (is can disprove things). 😮

@FearlessFly you still will not believe or trust



This is a website of NON-BELIEVERS 😮


Didn't the fat orange one want to close the boarders at the first of trouble, and get accused of being racist and/or xenophobic by Democrats and the leftists, thus hampering his ability to swiftly close off the boarder?

That's what i remember happening. I could be wrong, but i swear that's what happened.

Everything else though, meh. Biden or Trump, creepy hair sniffer or pussy grabber extraordinaire, i do not envy your "choices".

I wish the Americans luck in whatever horrors await them because it's looking pretty spicy right now.

The orange one’s wanted to close the borders for over three years. It’s that he used the pandemic as an opportunity to close the Southern border - (and yes, there’s an instant backlash from reactionary extremists of the far left regarding our Southern border) - while simultaneously denying there was any threat from the virus. All after having defunded (with his republican congressional henchmen) our pandemic response team a couple years prior that’s really F’d us up. After that, zero leadership.

Discounting the humanity, competence or intentions of the Democratic Party’s clear choice to take out the orange one plays into the hand of ...the orange one. But then you should know that..


Well lets be honest here, that orangutan may be a lier but he's not clairvoyant. Seems to be a pretty rational idea to take funding out of a you don't expect to require any time soon and redistribute it.

I doubt anyone took issue then, it's just something to attack him on now. Can't help but wonder, do you even really need that one?

I mean, I'm not sure if it's true but I'll take your word for it.

Curious as to why i should know something that doesn't effect me, it doesn't matter who wins, I'm English. And let's be totally honest, you really believe that Biden is the true candidate?

I'm placing on that witch Hillary showing up to replace him at the last moment. I'll probably gain nothing by winning that bet.


Oh as for playing down the severity of the virus... everyone did. Both the yank and British clowns leading our respective nations played it down for a good month before they suddenly went "oh sh... this is real!".

The Chinese definitely downplayed it. The EU even took lethargic steps to tackle it.

I believe Russia were the only nation who acted decisively, and were accused of xenophobia and racism for it. And i believe that kind of reaction is what hampered everyone's response because the last thing governments want is to be accused of such things. They'd rather save face than protect their people.

This pandemic has been interesting to say the least. Can't wait for this year to bloody end, it's been exhausting.

@XxDjinnXx With H5N1 (Avian Flu), H1N1 (Swine Flu), Ebola, Zika and West Nile viruses all dealt with by the two previous presidents … there’s no need for “clairvoyance” to remain prepared for ‘the next.’ The Republicans didn’t, have not led, and only made China19 worse..

The lack of leadership has become the new ‘pandemic’ in the USA. If Hillary Clinton and her competent Cabinet (executive branch leaders) had been in charge - our ugly Republicans would be screaming bloody murder! ...and we’d likely have had half the deaths ..with ‘our numbers & spread’ looking far more like those of advanced nations..

It does irk me to read asinine comments from foreigners regarding the best of our political leadership, it’s not like they’ve been in the trenches have many of us.. I get the envy, but what they don’t appear to understand is the danger they’re putting themselves in to have the US go rogue like russia or china … or the other totalitarian pipsqueak countries our hideous orange one admires.

We’ve a weak, undisciplined, divided, child-like nation over here ...with a lot of guns & missiles.. Hope we make it to our November elections and begin the long, long road to recovery. If not, look out ~

You know why foreigners feel the need to make comments?

Because your government feels the need to get in everyone else's business. What happens in the US effects the rest of the world, in arguably more detrimental ways than positive. America is the jackboot pushing down on everyone's throats, and it would be wise of the American public to realise that and take responsibility, your choices effect us all. So maybe do something to break that blatantly corrupt two party system which is little more than a veneer of democracy.

I mean, just a suggestion. You can vote for others, right? Right?

And the US is already rogue. They already do as they please, just real sneaky about it. Like funding terrorist groups to destabilise other nations, and then acting all shocked when they inevitably bite the hand that feeds.

With that out of the way, do you actually believe the Democrats would have performed better?

You talk about lack of leadership, but considering the opposition basically owns the senate (more seats, right?) They can shut down most, if not all, of trumps attempted policies, so maybe you should consider pointing the finger at them every once in awhile. I swear they're all like children, the same problem happens here.

Example- Labour (our left wing party) will propose a fairly decent policy, the tories (our right wing party) will reject it, and then the tories will propose that exact policy during the next election campaign. And it happens the other way, and between all parties. The green party (weirdos), the lib dems (our joke party) and the SNP (Scottish nationalist party), all denying and stealing ideas from each other. It's a bloody circus. All theatre.

I lost faith in democracy years ago, it's a self evident lie, we clearly have no real say. Doesn't matter who you vote for, big companies hold the cards, money buys policies, and the mouthpiece is little more than a puppet. Gotta break it down to clean out the rot, the fat orange one ran on that idea hence the victory, but no prizes for guessing how well that's turned out.

Not to praise the twat but "You're were the chosen one!" feels appropriate, now he's Darth Tango.

*Tango is a vibrantly orange beverage.


Part 1 of a 3 part series of Understanding tRump?
You've got be joking, I'm a qualified, semi-retired Psychologist and I've handled many a very difficult 'client' but understanding tRump in the 3 parts only would, imo, be like trying to climb a mountain using ONLY your teeth to grip the ropes, etc.
In my honest opinion, that guy IS the greatest nightmare any Psychologist/Psychiatrist could ever imagine.


Trump is pretty easy to understand, I think. He has a one track mind, him, him, him, him, him, him. And he doesnt like black or brown people. I don't know why people make this so complicated he's a racist walking ego. His fans are the ones beyond my comprehension. I don't get them at all.


Please. No more


Just a psycho in charge

bobwjr Level 10 July 1, 2020

I rather think that he hasn't a chance of remaining POTUS at the election.I don't think that there is any way of psyching him out.Unless Americans know better than me


DJT is not a good president. It would be great if there were a credible, competent candidate to oppose him. Biden ain't it.
IMHO the U.S. would be better served by three political parties, one left, one centrist and one right. The Dems could spin off the radical leftists into a new party, and court the centrists of the Republican party.

We could certainly use more than two viable parties, or have no parties whatsoever, but nothing like that is going to happen in the near future.

@itsmedammit No parties, a congress of independents would be ideal. Wishful thinking.
A long-time leftists view of the current situation in the U.S.:

saccording to you ... biden may not be the best but he has compassion and he is smart enough to listen to his advisors and read the reports necessary .... he also will have much better staffing and he is already respected in Europe so he can a least start to heal that fiasco he is not perfect and he is old he may die in office personally id have preferred a younger person mayor pete

It is not just up to Biden. It is up to us, the American people, to keep the heat on Biden to make sure that he does what this country really needs. Anyone who sits this one our, or who votes for Trump is a traitor to our people, our democracy, our constitution,.

@wordywalt Perhaps your viewpoints would be better received if you didn't make an extraordinary effort to alienate those who currently disagree with your position.

@PBuck0145 Galloway could not run an ice-cream van and couldn't win a one-horse race. An anti-semite that even the left of the labour party could not allow to remain.

@273kelvin Agreed.
GG is, however, extremely well-informed about World affairs, and the "facts" he states are usually more accurate than those of the MSM. One can learn from him while opposing his political viewpoint.

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