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If "god" gave us life, then he surely he (it?) must have thought up swimming and flying, as he (it?) gave life to fish and birds as well.
He (it?) gave us legs for....walking. Or was it running? Why did he (it?) give us legs? And why not wheels ? Is it because we'd also need tires?
Why don't we have wheels instead of feet ???

So, oh no. Wait. We made wheels. And tires. And we probably made running too. Maybe even walking for all I know.

So oh no. I'm thinking no one (nothing?) gave us life. Or swimming and flying.
And what about worms and snakes and crawling.......
And I'd also be a much more efficient creation if I had three hands instead of 2 !!!. (If anyone is Listening !!!)

twill 7 July 3

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No god, no choices, different groups adapted from the water differently, at the end of the day we were swamp things.


For wheels you need roads on which they are great, but they are no good for climbing in the trees, and if you evolved in a world covered in trees. Good clue there.


We (humans) didn't invent the wheel until later.....


We may never know why he did what he did. He knows what's best. Don't question it, heathen.

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