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LINK Bubonic Plague Discovered in China’s Inner Mongolia Region

Aside from the fact that I "know" this isn't the end times, the end times is a fairy tale. However, this really seems like the end times.

HippieChick58 9 July 6

Enjoy being online again!

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We might be able to remember 2020 if we survive it.

I was thinking the same thing just now. I look back at my memories on FB every day, it is now 12 years worth of memories. What am I going to be thinking when I read what I have posted recently. How is the crazy story going to turn out. I'm not good at keeping a journal, so FB will be it.


Fucking great way to finish out 2020..oy🙄🙄🙄


The plague is always around, but people don't get it often. []

The story says there are about 7 cases a year in the USA.

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