“Alternative Facts” in the Classroom: Creationist Educational Policy and the Trump Administration
Monday, March 11, 2019
Despite a lengthy history of being struck down in court, bills permitting the teaching of “creation science” in public schools continue to appear in state legislatures across the country. In the first month of 2019 alone, five states have introduced creationist bills1. These states are not alone. Within the past few years, a number of state legislatures have introduced bills permitting schools to “teach the controversy” between the theories of evolution and creationism2. Somehow, an issue that the Supreme Court of the United States resolved three decades ago is still very much alive and contentious today.
Perhaps it would be better to add an amendment to this bill stating that if one creation myth may be taught as science then ALL creation myths must be give equal weight?
They would soon back down I thin if along side Adam and Eve some respectable, bespectacled old spinster divinity teacher is left explaining to a class of red neck southern baptist children how the god Ra masturbated the whole of the universe in to existence to satisfy his lusts and deified his own right hand and made it queen of the gods and that his jizz became the suns of all the worlds.
Dermot, most of these bills fail in the committees that first consider them. See www.ncse.com, the National Committee for Science Education, for details.
Why are they still trying. Shows their mentality. The supreme court is not respected by them. They will never get over progress. Republicans have voted against Medicare, Social security, the voting rights act, the civil rights act, the housing rights act, Healthcare for Children, affordable health care act. The list goes on and on. It would seem they will never get over change. Change of any type. When the democrats suggested that people on the terrorist watch list should have their right to purchase fire arms restricted, the republicans objected to that as well. They won't stop trying to overturn the right to choose for women either despite the fact that 70% of Americans are pro choice.
The fact that they will not accept evolution to be a fact shows there disregard for science. Look where that has got the US when it comes to the Pandemic. That is the most worrying thing about theses bills. Fail or pass, they show an attitude to science that is unbelievable. 3 or 4 decades ago that was not the case. This is the country that sent a man to the moon and was at the forefront of scientific discoveries. It's what made the US economy a powerhouse globally. Now republicans take every chance they can get to defund science. Trump cut funding to the CDC in his first budget. Look at the consequences of that now.
Republican opposition to advancements has various explanations They include:
Trump the demagogue comes along, declares war on the national GOP, and wins.
In short, the GOP is a sick party, but the Dems fuck up often enough to keep the GOP alive.
Religious nutters be like fungus... always growin' back.......
The fungus and mushroom theory of education, keep them in the dark and feed them on Bullshit.