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Reuters article fact-checking the above statement falsely attributed to Dr. Fauci:


Lauren Level 8 July 11, 2020


That is not what the article said

"VERDICT Partly false."

Copied and pasted from the article.

Funny you posted the article, then misquoted the same article you posted. Then people liked the false quote.

@OwlInASack I havent misrepresented anyrhing. I posted a meme and an article and gave no opine.

This person posted a link and then lied about its contents.

The fact that you.are replying without acknowledging that simply shows your bias and dishonesty.

Also, I didnt try. I did.



"The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a group of conservative activist doctors who oppose the 2010 health care reform law, the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act."[1] Members of the group also believe that President Obama may have hypnotized voters and that climate legislation is a threat to human health. Some of the group's former leaders were members of the John Birch Society. Mother Jones wrote of the group, "Yet despite the lab coats and the official-sounding name, the docs of the AAPS are hardly part of mainstream medical society. Think Glenn Beck with an MD."[2] The executive director is Jane Orient, an internist and a member of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine."

Lol, they sound very credible.

Let's talk about your "source".


He got it right

bobwjr Level 10 July 11, 2020

It might be better than no treatment with drugs, but I doubt it will save most patients with Covid nor will it spare them from permanent damage to their lungs and kidneys.

@OwlInASack 90% is a high enough number that you, I and everyone else gets the point.

Youre playing semantics.


This is hilarious to me . I am too f tired even to elaborate .
All I am gonna say is this :
Case on thursdsy : 33 yr old , waitress , no other issues , symptoms , px plaquenil by primary care to take at home 5 d ays prior , arrived at ED w chest pain , SOB , elevated troponins , and elevated QTC . Plaquenil was d/c immediately . Still impatient at covid unit this morning when I left .

Case Friday : 41 yr old , diabetic , hypertension , symptoms , px plaquenil by primary care to take at home 3 days prior , arrived at ED w chest pain , disoriented , weakness , elevated qtc , plaquenil d/cd , coded last night , currently at micu on a drip recovering from STEMI .
Fuck this , ok ?

Never see any of those conditions outside of covid, eh?

@SCal take a guess .


Uuuuummmm, I call BS!
AAPS = A conservative association of Pharmacutical Scientists....any agenda, ya think? And how many studies on hydrochloquinone have had to be quickly halted due to major cardiac problems, leading to Higher death rates for the study participants than if they had been given nothing...and, oh, wait, major cardiac problems are a known side effect even in malaria patients who are given it for a Reason?!
And neither of these "attributions" is in quotes, either......

Got it. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and peer reviewed studies are BS because of Anne's political leanings.

And some other unsubstantiated banter. Check

@OwlInASack Right, because you two have no politcal leanings. Sure.

You make tons of bullshit statements. I don't see you pointing out your own bullshit quotes, ever. Let alone by replying to every single thing you find disagreeable.

The point was made, but you clearly and obviously missed it on purpose. Youre just playing semantics.

@SCal my "political leanings"????? Where, when, huh? Ummmm, I Googled it!

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