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I regard myself as a militant atheist

Blackatheist1985 7 July 12

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Meaning you're going to go out and fight for atheism?

Well when good men do nothing...


I'm De-facto. I spent more than 2 dacades living the life of a Christian. Based on my personal experiences (or lack thereof), I'm not able to believe there is a god without some type of evidence that convinces me otherwise. However, I don't make any claims to 'know' a god doesn't exist. I'm very clear on separating my 'beliefs' from my 'knowledge'. Where I stand with my beliefs make me atheist. Where I stand with my knowledge makes me agnostic.

Well said.


I do not care for labels .nonbeliever is as close to a label as I wish to be .


Since age 13, I have been an atheist. I chose rational thought, not magical beliefs.

Never believed in an invisible being that resides somewhere beyond the clouds.


Atheism is the absence of belief. It is NOT the surety of non-existence.


favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause."

As a pacifist I cannot call myself a militant anything, so I will have to remain a strong atheist

I am very confrontational to believers. If they open the door...I walk in.

@freeofgod Do you knock first ?


Unless and until there is credible and verifiable evidence of the existence of any god, I'm sure there aren't any.
I also demand that people keep that delusional bullshit to themselves and not expect me to respect any of it.
I only tolerate it because it's the law that I do.

I suppose that could make me "militant", and I really don't care if it does.


If you want to label yourself, fine, but at least provide a definition.

@SeaGreenEyez where? There is no definition on "militant atheist"...


There are a lot atheists who are real sticklers for precise definitions on this topic and yet even the religitards can't seem to settle on a precise definition for who or what their common delusion is.
I Am What I Am! lol
I'm good with not believing in sky boogiemen who like to burn people for eternity because they touched themselves for the sake of pleasure, maybe once, maybe a few thousand times, more or less.
I'm pretty certain that I am going to die and I am pretty certain that may be the end of my consciousness, the matter and energy that was me will go back into the system and come out as something else, maybe a tree or radiation. And that's all I have to say about that.


I'm right happy just being an atheist. I don't feel the need to go forth and make war on the Believers. Actually, a belief in one or more gods is useful for pacifying the masses. One of the chief weaknesses of homo sapiens is the need for Belief. They make themselves feel better by going to their churches, praying to their gods, singing hymns, and performing bizarre rituals. So, as long as they don't hurt anybody, I'm all for leaving them alone. Oh, and making their churches pay taxes just like any other business.

mischl Level 8 July 12, 2020

strong atheist here!


"Militant Atheist" is fun, I suppose. Personally, I prefer "Happy Atheist".

And I can't seem to make the little emojis work today - sorry about the funny face.

yes.. I love it... Happy Atheist.. !


I am 100% atheist. I don't bother looking for a slot to fit in...


No labels for me.


100 percent that “god” doesn’t exist.👍


What if my god is cabbage and I can send you pictures of my cabbage or better yet a box of cabbage? Will you believe my god is real?

@SanDiegoAirport my god demonstrates how to get a head. And its round.


I am atheist.

I do not assert there are no gods as this would place the burden of proof on my position. Instead, I reject the theist's claim that there is a (or many) god/s.


I'm an atheist. Period.


I am 100 percent sure that the gods of people are a fictional control scheme...
What I am not sure of is that there could be some type of other entity controlling the universe. That is so highly improbable it is quickly kicked into the 99.9999999999999999 to the hundredth power section of improbability. You know, the one that is never revisited...


Non of them, I despise labels which is no better than all the ridiculous religions in which each claim they are right and every one else is wrong .

lori99 Level 5 July 12, 2020

Names are labels. I think we all appreciate labels until they are used to associate us with something bad. Labels help us categorize large amounts of information to get a general overview. But I understand not liking labels due to the negative side.

I am definitely not against other people who want to align themselves to a certain ideology but I myself choose not to .


Humankind has a penchant for classifying and categorizing.
Some of that tendency comes from survival- is that a carnivore (I'd better flee) or a herbivire (who won't bother me if I don't bother it).
The world is seldom that simple there are many gradients.


De-facto, plus anti-theist. Yahweh, Jesus and crew are total douche bags.


You know you are going to get a lot of annoying responses about the accuracy of the posted definitions. I'll start: Agnostic pertains to knowledge, not belief. It is the acknowledgment that something is unknowable. Probability has nothing to do with it.


What's a militant atheist?

Confrontational in this instance.


A interesting list of definitions with regard to belief and disbelief and non-belief in the existence or non-existence of God. I wonder what they convey to the mind/imagination of the believer and non-believer. I think that we often get lost in our conceptual views of the world. Language is a tool, albeit a very useful tool. However, we forget that language is about the person, object or the world. It can never be that which it purports to describe and cannot ever contain the same. As Alan Watts said: "The word water is not of itself drinkable."

Through language we elevate some people to a lofty status while demonizing others and pat ourselves on the back as though we have achieved something great thereby.......

I agree with you, though I would have difficulty in expressing that myself. Thanks for your words 🙂

As I'm reading all of the replies here a childhood song keeps replaying in my mind.. Good morning to you good morning to you.. we're all in our places with bright shiny faces.. good morning to you.. Now that we all have our places.. ( our bright shiny labels)


I've been called a militant atheist by others and if the boot fits. I think my tolerance for religious bullshit has gone down a lot during these last 4 years.

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