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The silence of the Republican Senators and Representatives, and their supporters:

As Americans die by the dozens and hundreds of thousands due in large part to Trump Administration malfeasance in handling the virus, is anyone here a constituent of the cowardly Republican legislators who have had so little to say in opposition to this malfeasance? Do you have any stories to tell of how you have sought to communicate to them that they should speak up and oppose this administration, or how you have come around, or how they have come around? What is the worst thing that could happen, they could lose their elected position and go down in history as having salvaged a small piece of honor?

My own rep is Democrat Grijalva. I've written him a few emails, thought there didn't seem to be that much more he could do.

kmaz 7 July 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Probably many Republican congresspeople and their supporters (including those on this board) will say they were just trying to protect the economy, and their opponents do not understand this. However, they have not protected the economy, they have harmed it. Had they fought the virus with reasonably intelligent measures, as other countries have done, the US economy would be in much better shape.

Probably many Republican congresspeople and their supporters (including those on this board) will say that other countries have actually not faired that well, but that claims of having reached a better situation with the virus are false information, or that they did not have so many people to contend with. But this is an exaggeration at best, and recklessly false information at worst. There is enough information out there now to have a pretty good sense of the most obvious covid19 battle successes, and some that are not successes but which are vastly better than the US situation.

kmaz Level 7 July 14, 2020

based on the daily new cases chart, there is no end in sight for the US, and even though the medical community is fighting hard, it is fair to guess we will soon be starting to see a rise in deaths soon. The deaths chart also indicates that.

so, will we be moving toward 300k US deaths soon? 500k? More? Will the Republican legislators then start standing up to the monstrosity they have kept in office through their support? How about the folks here who have supported those legislators?

kmaz Level 7 July 14, 2020

Silence is complicity. For any subject.......

Yes, including the silence of the millions of supporters of the jokers in the legislature who now don't speak up to ask those jokers to have the decency to address the situation.


The Republican don't care about how many people die, they care about reelecting Donald Trump. Those who are running this year are concerned with staying in power themselves, if Trump loses and they win they'll take that. They still won't care that people die.

barjoe Level 9 July 13, 2020

But @barjoe, there are many besides you who know some GOP candidates don’t care how many people die.

Those people vote. Do they also not care?

@yvilletom You mean people who think not wearing a mask is a question of there freedom of choice.

@barjoe No.

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