I think it's high time we all give amnesty to Kathy Griffin! The crybabies can stop crying already.
The minute trump and his supporters went fuckin' nuts over that image was a real clue as to how things were going to go with trump in the WH.
She had nothing to apologize for - yeah, the photo was over the top - get over yourselves whiny snowflakes. Freedom of speech/expression are an American's right!
"Freedom of speech/expression are an American's right!" But only when Repub's want to exercise it with mock lynchings of our first black President. Anything else and they dissolve into whiny little snowflakes.
They are such whiny snowflakes who hate free speech.
If the Chump gets reelected, I hope he has the same theatrical experience that Lincoln had. It would be very good for the country and the world.
Kathy Griffin is funny, courageous, and shouldn't apologize for severed head art.
Republicans/conservatives can dish it out, but they whine like crazy when the shoe is on the other foot.
Everybody universally destroyed this woman over a Trump mask with ketchup on it.
@barjoe - I'm remembering how Obama was treated by Republicons when he was first elected.
@RussRAB and Michell
Yeah, the old "lock her up" chant again...I hear a crowd used it on drump at a sporting event?! How fun!