Over 400,000 people crammed into 1.3 square miles in 41 were able to stop a typhus epidemic, but a huge country with many resources in 2020 can't seem to get a grip on it.
um, typhoid is a bacteria?
interesting though, that we call either one an "infection," hmm
@altschmerz well, allopaths subscribe to what is i guess known as an Outside model of "disease," although there is prolly a better term for it, but iow "disease comes from being infected," rather than "disease comes from lack of immunity" or whatever. So we then, trusting our doctors, adopt this deficient model, and believe ppl who will not live as long as us--doctors--for our health advice? "dead doctors don't lie" eli wallach, i think is his name.
but there are differences in viruses and bacteria, although i guess some similarities too, but i don't think one can become immune to typhoid--as the article outlines, typhoid was controlled by better practices, yeh?