I find myself particularly annoyed with Christianity because I grew up in it, less annoyed with modern Judaism, and feel neutral toward Buddhism.
What makes some of them worse is determined by the proportion of violent lunatics to the merely well meaning deluded. Almost all of them are breeding grounds for their respective lunatic fringes. They all also share androcentrism. Even the most peaceful sects practice keeping women out of leadership roles. This form of destructiveness is more subtle than violence but still keeps females in subjection.
I feel that Southern American Christian beliefs and Islam are the worst due to the cultures they foster and their anti-intellectual, anti-scientific dogma. I admire elements of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism but I'm not an adherent.
Honestly, when I voted other, I thought I'd have to write it all out, but you "went and done did it" for me!
Thank you! lol
Bertrand Russell: "Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines."
The idealist in me wants to agree, but with our track record as a species and the fact that dying is scary to many people I doubt it will happen anytime soon. Many of us, sadly need the comforts of religion and as long as these people are allowed to brainwash young children I think religions will survive far longer than Russell anticipated.
It is not religions just as it is not corporations or governments that are the problem.
It's the stupid people running them!
I'd add greedy to your descriptions, as well, Bear
@njoy_life_2 No another god - Mammon.
Ideally we should live in a world that is post religious, free from religion.
I don't dislike religions at all - I am sure they tick a box for many people - I have never had a religion. I suppose the ones I dislike the most are the ones where people feel they are on a mission to convert you because i don't like being curt, but I don't want anything to do with proseletysers. there is a lovely buddhist centre in London that odes cheap food for people who are poor it doesnt get dished up with a side plate of religion they just do it for the homeless etc.
I think at the core religions were started to form support and community in similar beliefs and ideas, for comfort and togetherness. I think there is a lot of power in that. Leaders often realize that and if they rise to a ruling class they take those ideals and slowly twist them to control the majority. Once that happens the best of any religion ends up burried by the worst, and things get twisted beyond recognition.
Buddhism isn't a religion. There is no god, no worshipping anything or anyone, and certainly no offerings. I really don't care for any religion, but Hinduism is the least offensive to me. They are rather tolerant of others regardless of what your beliefs.
Anyone who claims to know the mind of a 'God' is awful
It is a matter of axiomatic truth that if all relgions are being considered some are or have been worse than other.
Jainism for example by definition is harmless generally, and probably does little harm to its adherants, where as scientology destoys lives, harraesses apostates, robs and scams it's adherants and breaks up families and alledgedly does and has done far worse things verging on and surpassing illegality.
I am this site's resident religion-lover. I find them fascinating; I mine for the gold of universal wisdom in their multifarious depths. I feel no conflict as an atheist in so doing: paradox is my native tongue.
Religion may be as tainted with the stains of human evil as any other human endeavor--perhaps more than any other--but its value remains. At the very least, religion reflects vital elements of the human experience. At most, it inducts us to our best. Is government any different? Politics?
I do not dislike any of them, I just have no use for any of them. I dislike the strife and divisions that religious belief causes, in many cases it is in direct opposition to their stated goals.
To profess one has the real and only truth over others, goes against the idea of being all his children. Some outright condem, others divide a family over non-belief in their truth, some treat women very poorly (IMO) the list of justifications religions come up is ENDLESS.
John Lennon had the simpliest and best ideal - "Love Is All You Need"
As I state in my profile...I am an Atheist ....but I also practice a form of Buddhism...and I celebrate the Wiccan holidays...
Buddhism is not a religion...
Earth Based Seasonal holidays make sense and are joyous occasions.
I fully support aboriginal/native religions and traditions.
My issue is maily with the Abrahamic traditions and all their offshoots....Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
What’s your problem with Judaism, exactly?
Gee, I don't know....how about their rules and treating women like second class citizens who only belong in the kitchen making sandwiches? They are no different than Muslims and Christians in their patriarchal delusions. Have you actually ever had to deal with Jews who won't even talk to a woman because she's wearing shorts and a TShirt....or won't get in an elevator with a woman? I had one refuse to sit next to me on an airplane, ffs. And he had the nerve to request to the flight attendant that she MOVE ME...as opposed to moving his ass somewhere else.
@SkotlandSkye uh! I saw you on youtube! I'm sorry you ran into an experience like that. All I have to say is my son is marrying into a huge Jewish family, many cultural jews/nonbelievers and some religious, some lesbian and others homosexual with intermarriage. I can't think of a more accepting, generous family. I wish everyone could experience the inclusivity of the jewish culture at its best...it's like any other tribe
that's "ethnic" Judaism....not religious Judaism. The religious ones are cray cray.
I don’t really care. As long as they have nothing to do with me, then they can be whatever they are.
Faith isn't a bad thing to have, and honestly, I could care less about whether a person believes in God(ess)(( e)s) or whatnot, but dogma can and does cause damage. When it's suddenly a 'sincerely held belief' to hate or hurt other people, that's when I have a problem with a religion. While I like to be as fair as I can, there are certain faiths (and leaders of said faiths, and regional variants of said faiths, etc.) that are guilty of that more than others are. TL;DR: believe what you want as long as it doesn't hurt others.