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I have trouble sleeping can any one recommend a drug-less cure....?

greenwood 3 Nov 25

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I take melatonin but you said no drugs so I go with what I do with melatonin when I truly cannot sleep even with it. Do an old technique for meditation. Focus on your breathing. As in pay attention to it be it the heaving of your chest breath in breath out just stay focused on it let everything else fade away.

Malus Level 4 Feb 14, 2018

I'm the same way. You could try ASMR just type it in there's all kinds of things for it.


My Mother gave me an old school remedy, a glass of hot chocolate milk, 70 some odd years later, still workes pretty good.


On those few nights when i have some insomnia, I listen to NPR at a very low volume, just barely loud enough to hear what they are saying.. If i cant' get to sleep at least I usually learn something.

Another way is to exhaust yourself physically though physical work or exercise. If I orked out in the yard most of the day,kl I fall right asleep. Note. The pysical activity you engage in must nto be the same kind of things you do every day, because you need to use different muscles if you are to get tired out.

My sister puts old TV shows on Netflix, which she has seen so often, that she tends to tune them out and fall asleep.


White noise,


I had to go to pharmaceuticals. Seroquel.

But a lot of people have good responses to valerian, St. John’s wort, cannabis, melatonin, chamomile, turmeric, and marshmallow. And others.

I’ve been using botanical medicines for thirty years. I’d be more than happy to share what I know. Making tea is not too hard. 🙂


I've had great success with the 4-7-8 breathing trick. When I've remembered to do it the most I've ever had to was 3 Xs.
Inhale through your nose for a count of 4.
Hold your breath for 7.
Exhale out your mouth slowly for 8.


Change your eating habits (time, kind of food, limit ingest of coffee....), go to sleep always at the same time, disconnect all devises, drink hot tee before going to bed.....


I know what works for me:

No TV, computer, phone or screen-light for at least an hour before I want to sleep. I sleep better in a cool room, so I make sure to lower the temperature in my bedroom before retiring. Then I read until my eyelids start drooping. (I find that older novels or philosophical works are more sleep-inducing; plot-driven "page-turners" not so much.) I sometimes take melatonin, if I think I will have difficulty sleeping.


Yeah before Bed nothing with Sugar . And read a book for about an Hour than try sleeping.


run 10 miles a day,

mzee Level 7 Nov 25, 2017

The Simpsons have a nice way...

MarcO Level 5 Nov 25, 2017

Avoid any products with caffeine after 1600. Take up exercise, although avoid strenuous exercise too late as it will affect your ability to relax. also avoid looking at any computer/ TV/ phones for an hour before you go to bed as the light it tricks your brain into thinking it is still day time.


Think back to the times you have had your best restorative sleep and try to re-create that atmosphere. If not then you may like to try a warm bath and deep breathing (meditation).

The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise:

  1. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
  2. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
  3. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  4. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

Here is the site: []

Pleasant dreams. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Nov 25, 2017

I find that enough physical exertion to make me tired usually gets to sleep quickly.


Sleepytime tea by Celestial Seasonings really helped me. It had chamomile (sp?) and valerian in it. Now they sell that formula as Sleepytime Extra (to include the valerian). I also dropped any/all caffeine after noon.

Zster Level 8 Nov 25, 2017

Thanks Will try it. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Much appreciated.


Google rain tracts. I use an app that allows me to customize rain with thunder and/or music.

Thanks, will try it. Cheers... will let you know how I go.

I use the rains a lot. Ocean waves might be good but that isnt a natural sound to me. I like babbling brook sounds too. I have a 9 hour rain track on my kindle. I also take 10 mgm of melatonin


Tantric sex

Whatever...!!!! No thanks....

Not me.

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