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When a keyboard warrior calls me stupid, yet expects me to listen to what they have to say while debating, is humorous. When someone calls me stupid, I automatically don’t take anything they say seriously 🙂 I know I’m not dumb. People can call me whatever they want. No one’s stopping them. I’m just not going to listen to them, but they expect me to because they have a big ego.

And if someone does this to you, you shouldn’t take anything they say seriously either. 🙂

VeronicaAnn 7 Aug 5

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My solution for all trolls . . .


Yet so many of us do it all the time when it comes to trump and his supporters. I am pretty sure neither one of those mentioned would listen to us anyway.


Had it happen to me on another site. Yeah fuck them, they don't get my acknowledgement, they already lost by calling me names. It's really laughable when they do, they don't know who you are, just because they were offended by your question or comment.


When an opposition resorts to name calling. That is a clear sign that they are losing the context. If they had a real argument, or retort, they would use it.
Once name calling is used against me, that is the end. I will simply not respond.
Which in most cases even pisses them off even more.


You just expressed why I don’t debate with Trumpers anymore. I literally cannot listen to their insipid blathering without calling it fucking stupid.


When people start swearing I stop listening. If you cannot express yourself without profanity you need to get a thesaurus or go back to school or your mother needs to wash your mouth out with soap.

I swear like a sailor but you need to know just when you can get away with it.

LOL you'd need to fully wash out my mother's mouth with soap first as she was my teacher in swearing proficiently in 2 languages! aww yea 😛

@demifeministgal What's her address? I am on my way.

well this is awkward... she's currently underground XD would you like her plot address?? hehe

@demifeministgal Once the Covid is over I shall go and put a not on her plot, he, he.


Russian trolls call names to antagonize Americans. Are you a Russian troll?

pssst.... this site is NOT America 2.0.... fun fact many of us are not from the USA even. So if she is name calling, it is WORLDWIDE members on this WORLDWIDE forum using the WORLD WIDE WEB.
haha waves from canada


Eh, I try to look at the other side. If someone thinks (and shares as if fact) information that is demonstrably false (like that wearing a mask a lot in the past 10 days caused him to get Covid) he IS stupid. He deserves to be called stupid. And he's likely so stupid, that it would Dunning-Krugerly impossible to show him he's stupid. Nonetheless, I would hope he would still listen to the actual argument someone was making independent of the statement of fact about his intelligence or lack thereof.


Usually when people do this, they do not realize that they are talking to themselves. They see what they see in themselves in others and project onto them what they are. It would be much more constructive to just say why one thinks their comment is incorrect. Sight a source or revert to logic, but if you are going to revert to logic, know the rules for logic, otherwise one looks really stupid and the advertisement comes from the person trying to change an opinion, which does not work. Personally I do not mind being called stupid or ignorant. I know I am on certain topics and so there is no argument. However, I read a lot and what I read about I know, so if someone touches on these topics the conversation is on until words against a person are used. By the rules of argument when things get personal, the person who gets personal loses right then and there. I am tired of stupid people, unless it is the cheeto, I am so into watching just how insipid a person can get. It is at the point where he should just be no longer president and have a tv comedy show, he is funny, besides being guilty of treason, kidnapping and murder.


I just block them. I don't have to look at their nauseating bullshit and they can't troll me anymore.


I've run into and blocked this before .


Once any kind of debate or discussion devolves into insults and name calling, I normally exit it since it is a waste of time.

I've had online insult sessions turn a corner occasionally. It only happens when I really try not to further inflame the situation. Not the kind that involve name calling though. There seems to be a fine line on turning it around without becoming a doormat for someone's abuse.


my fav are the conservaturd (usually wyte) guys, who I am EASILY able to outsmart or out logic, even on my worst day, try to belittle me as an emotional woman. Because they lack the intellectual depth to engage in true logical discourse without reverting to misogynistic putdowns. Much manly logic, such smart. 😛
Ahh the manosphere deluding morons into believing they are smart and rational, de facto by virtue of being born male. haha


Yep and also when they're so locked into what they want to say they're not even properly reading what you say. It's like their brain has blinkers on it.


For me, if I do not know, or do not respect the person I am interacting with, what they say has very little weight, and given that if I do not know them, they do not know me, so it is all quite laughable, that they would presume so much with so little information.


I don’t know some opinions are really stupid and when people make a stand on those opinions they’re typically too stupid to reason with. Don’t care if they block me, too stupid to listen to anyway.
I’m not saying you’re one of those people just saying I’ve endured trickle down supporters since 1980, I just have zero tolerance for pro conservative types in general and have resorted to ignoring their stupid asses as they have dismissed more informed opinions for decades.
Am I really censoring someone arguing for a flat Earth?
Do they deserve my respect, my time, my attention?
I think not, F them.


So true! Unfortunately this happens often. Insults, condescending remarks, etc. There is nothing wrong with debating or expressing disagreement, but don't waste your time with anyone disrespectful, belligerent, rude, pessimistic, etc. As I'm sure you know, there are plenty of people on this site willing to express their views, and provide their reasoning (whether it is to agree or disagree with you) respectfully, and there are others who choose not to for whatever reason. I don't personally have a problem with contrary opinions, or opinions where the intent is to inform me of things I may or may not have considered, but there is a difference. If I am unsure or inclined to, I will ask for clarificaton. However, there is no need for clarification when someone calls you stupid 🙂


If you are debating an issue with someone and they descend into name-calling, you've won. Point this out to them and the meltdown can be comical to "watch", albeit virtually. While I rarely engage with people at that level (it is a waste of time) on the rare occasions I do I will sometimes ask if they also want to tell me my momma's ugly. Their profanity laced meltdowns can be pretty funny at times.

But usually, I just block them. No time for stupid.


People who engage in name calling and won't debate in good faith aren't worth your time.

I'm glad you blocked him.


That sounds familiar


I find it hilarious how many people I see responding here agreeing with you that have called me all kinds of hurtful names because I'm a conservative Trump supporter. And also ones here that are actually calling people names,, right here in this thread.. 🤣🤪 The irony is just to much sometimes..


Sister, there is a lot of negativity here but I hope you can find a way make this site work for you.


Very true and since you called my comments stupid I don't take what you say very seriously either.

I would have used far more sophisticated insults than "stupid" about your comments.

@LovinLarge OK let's have them then I am waiting

@Moravian Oh, I've forgotten what you said by now. I try not to take anything here too seriously or retain it too long. You're not the worst offender, that's for sure.

@LovinLarge That's disappointing. I make a point of never giving personal insults as I believe when you resort to that you have lost the argument.
I was called "shit for brains" and a "moron" recently by one of the regular posters. That made me smile.


The block feature is a lifesaver


You are doing better then me.

I want to pound them into minced meat.

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