Aint church great
I wonder...not that I'm defending this or anything, could they know that all those cases came from one man at one church service? I mean, all of these people had other contacts as well. Did they do some DNA test on the virus or something?
I hate playing the "who got me sick" game with things that are AIRBORNE! It happens every cold season - someone gets the sniffles, and blames the nearest person who's also sniffling. In reality, though, the sniffles could have come from at least a dozen other sources - that guy ahead of you in line at the grocery store, that person you stood too close to at the office...unless you're very careful, the list goes on and on.
I understand if you want to know where your STD came from. That shit's traceable. But an airborne virus? Not so easy.
Contact tracing is pretty accurate...when you get almost 100 people whose only point of contact has been one gathering, Bingo!