I am such a new member; it brings tears to my eyes to write this. So many nice people have visited my profile. You are all so highly educated and/or so broad in your spectrum of experiences, that I am humbled. It feels good to be in the company of such people as you all. Thank you!
Don't feel humbled for we all are what we are here and just like the mighty Oak we all started from a very small seed.
So please feel most welcome here in our little asylum for you ARE among friends but, unfortunately, we do have the odd curmudgeon amongst us from time to time and the occasional Troll slips through under the Radar now and then.
None-the-less this IS the world of Reality and Logical thinking, it IS a truly wonderful world filled with the brilliance of Reasoning where the shadows of Religion, Superstition and Mysticism fear to tread.
So enjoy being one of us, learn from us and remember that true knowledge is NO burden what-so-ever to bear.
@Green_Soldier71 Oh you terrible sinner....LOL.
Using a religious term on this site, for thatyou shall always be a most welcome friend, and that is your penance for such a sin...LOL.
What a nice thing to say! Glad you joined us.
That is very nice of you to say. Hang around and enjoy. Welcome aboard.
G'Day, G'Day from the Land of the Convict.
Do I hear the rattle of chains and shackles echoing from the past here....LOL.
I know that it isn't me . Good to see someone from kerala. ❤❤
@Green_Soldier71 Nilambur. . Profilil trivandrum ennanallo.
Not me I haven't done that.
Now I have.
It's not a biggie.
Some of these people aren't so nice, like that stalker TheMiddleWay.
Don't give these people more credit than they deserve.
@VeronikaAnnJ He messaged me. linked some of my old stuff as Mortal, as if he caught me red handed, I didn't appreciate it. My only response was it wasn't a choice, it was a compromise.
You have made this a very good ' Hello ' . I am going to search out your first Question!
Welcome! Many thoughtful people here, most definitely, despite occasional friction. I try to chalk that up to different communication styles that clash(even if that is too generous an assessment, lol).