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Hate is a strong form of love; it enables life to protect its young from danger, such as predators etc. How would life have survived without the emotion of hate? It wouldn't have. The emotion of hate only becomes negative when used in disputes and disputes that can't stand up to scrutiny are the most destroying. (Religion)
Out there, are negative and positive emotions complimenting each other, gathering into a spiral of satisfactory conclusions. Beyond the realm of man's existence, there lies a conundrum of emotions, where only positive emotions play.
Without hate there could be no love?

dinoid 5 Aug 18

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I get what you're saying. You have to care about something to hate it. The opposite of love is indifference

Spot on.


There are only 2 true emotions: love and fear. All other emotions stem from these two emotions. Hate has absolutely nothing to do with love and everything to do with fear.

I understand where you are coming from and you are correct, up to a point, but if you didn't love your offspring then you wouldn't experience the emotion of hate when someone tries to harm it. From the one emotion of hate can spring forth jealousy, anger, frustration, empathy, wanting,lust and fear, etc, etc. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin and this applies to all emotions. How would you know the thrill of success, if you didn't know the frustration of failure? Failure can also be a positive.

@dinoid You are confusing fear and hate. Fear is an emotion. Hate is a behavior stemming from the emotion of fear. The protective instinct you reference is coming from fear and yes, can result in hate. But hate is not the core emotion.Fear is.

@Amzungu I know it's confusing, but each emotion has to have a counterpart, otherwise they are useless. If fear brings on hate, what does hate do? Hate brings on anger, jealousy, murder, fights etc. But love can bring on these same emotions. it's like the chicken and the egg question. Each emotion complements the other. They are all two sides of the same coin.

@dinoid I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I do not feel I am the one confused here. I am saying the counterpart to love is fear, not hate. There are plenty of instances of hate that have nothing at all to do with love, which destabilizes your statement. I cannot think of one instance of hate that is not rooted in fear.


That is a weird definition of hate, it is also very wrong.


Nope...I think you’re confused, hate is not, nor ever has been a strong form of love. I think what your trying to say is that love brings out the protective instinct in us and when something or someone endangers the object of our love, we then direct all our energies into protecting them, and attacking who or whatever means them harm. That is driven by either anger or fear, nor hate..but it can actually turn into hatred, I will concede that point.

You are correct, one emotion complements the other. In the greater scheme of things, there are no negative emotions.


Why am I even a member of this group?


Hate does no such thing as "protect the young"! What are you projecting?

One emotion demands another. example; how would we now the thrill of achievement, if we didn't know the frustration of failure? Is the frustration of failure positive or negative? Without this variety of emotions an intelligent species could not exist. In the greater scheme of things, there are no negative emotions.

Love protects the young; hate is projected from that emotion.


It's an emotion only found in humans, as opposed to anger. I hate to say it.

You maybe right, but a kind of hate does exist in the animal world, an example of this is, does the rabbit hate the fox? Does the sparrow hate the sparrow hawk? Etc. The level of 'hate' differs as you go down the evolutionary scale. I suppose we can call it a survival instinct and that brings all life to the same level. There is no difference when you see it from another angle. No life could survive without it.

@dinoid Don't confuse fear with hate or anger with hate. Don't try to convince me. Hate is a human emotion. I hate to say it but you're wrong.

@barjoe Hello barjoe, I understand your confusion, but I am not saying fear is hate or hate is anger; the two emotions of fear and anger can be triggered by hate. I hope that explains it. It is a survival instinct which is more profound in an intelligent species, but it is still a survival instinct, like in any other species, our intelligence enables us to give it a name - hate.


I think you're confusing hate and anger.

and/or hate and outrage

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