4 1

Harm reduction is still harm.

Lesser evil is still evil.

A conservative Democrat is still a conservative.

Return to the Obama Era is still looking backwards.

Blue MAGA is still MAGA.

We need to look forward, not return to a normalcy that left so many out in the cold.

RoboGraham 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Rather than blocking you, and losing all this valuable interaction, I would rather that the system allow me to make personal notes about you. I have trouble keeping track of the nutcases just by their usernames.

I don't believe that an interaction with you has any potential to be valuable.

I've never heard anything substantive from you, ever.


Our nation is hemorrhaging from a shot to the head. Most having allowed it to happen are now looking to help. Not good at working with others … some prefer to continue kicking us while we’re down..

Only the worst of our misfits and malcontents will chance another four years of this. Are you one of them? And, what’s your alternative? A Time Machine 😉

Varn Level 8 Aug 20, 2020

The troll returns to troll my posts once again. Nothing better to do? Sad 😢

Not so good with the critical thinking I see... 😉 The best of us are able to chew gum and walk at the same time. It's only the blind misfits who can't both understand the danger of Trump and be critical about Biden as well.

@RoboGraham Exhibit A, with my attention again! You troll the posts of others, looking for the attention few give you. I respond to bullshit posts.

And, what’s your alternative?” I asked … yet another question to you goes unanswered, how convenient..

Perhaps it comes down to one’s priority agenda. For me, and the reason I’m here, is Atheist & Agnostic rights and protections. Allowing four more years of the disaster in the WH is not an option for thinking individuals. Your persistent bitching over not having gotten your way is detrimental to us. You obviously don’t give a shit. I do.

Those with nothing to lose appear to take perverse pleasure in the pain of others; I have things to lose, you apparently don’t. Discouraging voters at a moment like this is ..despicable.

Believe me - providing the service of mopping up after the likes of you is not my idea of a good time. I wish you’d either grow up, or get lost. Until then - post shit like above - be prepared to learn what it makes you, Troll ~


The trolling continues... you troll the post of people who have a better understanding of these important topics than you do in order to give airy, pseudo-intellengent speeches to satisfy your self indulgent need to feel important but you're not, your just another vote blue no matter who troll of the worst variety. Just one of an infestation we have around here.

Indeed, it is about agenda. Mine is doing what's best for all, not just atheists and agnostics. Allowing four more years of Trump or to give a term to the disaster that is Biden/Harris, is not an option. There are too many people suffering and dying because of lack of healthcare, the climate crisis is looming, the prisons are overflowing, the virus is spreading, the foreign imperial wars continue to escalate, people working essential jobs can't earn a living wage, my generation is swimming in student debt... the list goes on and on and the democrats and republicans are unwilling to do anything to help any of those problems. In fact, all they are able to do is make everything worse. We must have a rational leader who is not bought by the wealthy special interests and we must have it now but you stand in the way.

I have plenty to lose, my life even. We aren't as well off as you boomers and yet we are willing to do the right thing while you all sit comfortably hoping Biden will take us back to normalcy, back to the status quo which was so inadequate that we ended up with Trump.

Believe me, having anything to do with you is massively unpleasant but countering your self righteous BS is a duty that must be borne with stoicism and faith that a better world can be built, if people like you get out of the way.

@RoboGraham Be sure you’ve not described yourself above, it’s called ‘Projection,’ attempting to lay your deficiencies on another.. Your supposed ‘agenda’ of ‘doing what’s best for all’ sounds noble. In reality, it may feed a reluctance to stand up for anything or anyone; no one meets your purity test 😕

Sure, you ‘want it now!’ - who doesn't? But with all that education … are you incapable of grasping the magnitude of our situation? I’ve noticed those of that mentality toss more shit at the underdogs, in this case, the party that would - if the nation backed them - make this a better place.

Can you work with others? Yesterday, I connected some good friends with our County Dem. Chair, as they ‘knew I was into that stuff.’ Got an ‘Oregon related’ response from that Chair today..

Sadly, there’s a handful of miserable misfits around here (the one having latched on below being the only reason I’m back here) ..who’ll commiserate -- But when it gets down to the work needed to remove the nation from the mud - do any have the skills or ability to actually help … or merely toss more mud?

You call what you do around here ‘the right thing?’ My two have protested in Portland with their partners, finished college, are productive members of society, do all they reasonably can for progress, with a lot to lose - and a lot to work for. They make me, their mother, and their community proud. No bitching or whining, just a furtherance of the diligence, discipline and dignity they were taught..

You may be trying… ...and I don’t hold youth or anger against you.. But repeating what I’ve either explained to others, or yourself … only to find ‘more of the same’ isn’t working. Damn. You’re too smart to be conned, and I’m too honest to try.

People like me would have made this planet shine; my additions are trying as well. And it took one of those to describe to me ‘how far the nation’s actually come’ I despaired over something political ..long before trump hit the scene. She was right, if only in her second year of college.. Both watched their dad battle the Republican uglies in a setting so dangerous they fled at their first opportunity, one’s living in downtown Portland, my hometown, and far safer ~

You’d mentioned Maryland, brought recent memories of DC ...and strolling into Chevy Chase.. Met a cool (now facebook friend, twixt the ages of my daughters) on a more recent trip to DC ..who reminds me of your frustration. Surrounded by the nation’s educated best, they see no reason to settle for less! Why? They know the direction we should head - and are ready to go!

Other than unlimited immigration (having experienced it’s detrimental effects at ground level on the West Coast) ..I’d have been fine with anything Sanders proposed. But as mentioned umpteen times, “proposed.” Having barely squeaked past trump, with the Senate still squarely in the ..claws of a smirking mcconnell … little would have changed.

Now, with ‘moderate middle America’ on board with Biden, the Senate in reach, Joe-mentum from across the nation - shit can get done! Help, then demand it! Don’t nag, bitch and discourage those most in need (whether they know it or not), as described before - give Biden a Congress that demands your desires - then press him to act!

Depressing or suppressing the turnout will not move things ahead … and I hope I’m mistaken here, but voter suppression remains the # 1 hope of the failed Republicans and their worthless leader. It’s also a major tactic used by russian trolls on media platforms like this… Please, prove me wrong ~


Soooooo you want drump & MoscowMitch to control the next 2-3 Supreme Court Justice picks, and to continue to pack the lower courts? Alrighty then!

Somehow, in your mind, recognizing what Biden is = I want Trump to pack the courts.

You are jumping to an illogical conclusion.

@RoboGraham it will be one or the other doing the Nominating, so, yes, I reach that conclusion quite logically. Or are Aliens landing & taking over?


I can't predict the future, but I can recognize the high probability that Biden's picks will also be harmful.

@RoboGraham I am fine with a moderate with good education/experience, which is exactly what Biden will propose.


Let's hope so

I do


You have no idea how important it is that Trump does not get back in, do you?

I don't believe it is wise to ignore that which I stated above just because Trump is bad.

Of course it's important to remove Trump and it's also important to understand what it is we are replacing him with.

@RoboGraham We are replacing him with someone who will not shut down the post office, will not claim elections are rigged, will not promote Voter suppression. So go save your democracy first and then worry about How left the Democrat should be. 4 more years of Trump and you won't have a democracy to fight for at all.


I've seen the democrats engage in plenty of voter suppression. If they hadn't, Sanders would be president right now. Obama put people in leadership positions at the post office who had intended to try and privatize but thankfully they were blocked by Sanders. The democrats spent years trying to convince everyone that the last election was rigged by Russia.

I mean, it's the same behavior from both sides. Our democracy is fucked regardless of which is in charge.


You gota do what you gota do.

Why not the Green party?

@RoboGraham has anyone, anywhere, heard from the GreenParty since 2016, until recently, when, oh, I dunno, it was time to troll for $$$$?

@RoboGraham you haven't seen the very recent BIPARTISAN report confirming that fact,have you....go forth & peruse!

@dermot235, @AnneWimsey …’Sanders would have been president now if not for Democratic voter suppression’.. That nut’s cracked! ..takes a special kind of loser to pull us into their mythical hell hole, doesn't it 😕


I'm a member of the green party and they never, not once, asked me for money. The democrats on the other hand, I get solicitations from them constantly. It's one of the many reasons why I left that corrupt party.


I wouldn't expect that a troll with such a lack of intellectual acuity and such extreme party loyalty to have the ability to observe the 16 democratic primary and extrapolate what the results would have been if not for the corruption of the party.

@RoboGraham You continue to project, Troll 😀

This Convention must be eating you alive.. 😀 ..all those folks coming together for a common cause and enemy.. ..and you.

I really am laughing ~ Don’t blame the fact you can’t get along with others on those who can! ...OK - hold your breath for my next response 😉


I wouldn't know. I'm not going to spend my time watching a republican convention full of right wing speeches.

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