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Long-Haulers Are Redefining COVID-19


skado 9 Aug 19

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Reminds me of a friend who was born with painful, bad hips, as she aged they got worse. A very strong, stoic woman. Suffered her entire life with pain & immobility, until her doctor told her a new type pf hip joint could work for her. She was of course overjoyed, had both hips done back-to-back, had several wonderful years pain-free, walking, swimming, gardening. Then she started to have pain. The doctors scoffed, told her the xrays looked normal. She still said something was not right, as her mobility & happiness evaporated. After several months, they put her on heavy anti-psychotic meds (no painkillers, it was "pychosomatic!) So now she was in pain & doped up & labeled as a hypochondriac.
Then, they got the recall notice.


That's scary.


I have read a lot about this phenomena. We have so much to learn before we truly understand this thing. I fear many are going to feel the effects of their infection for years to come.

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