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LINK Blasphemy: Kano court sentences 13 year old boy to 10 years in jail

A Kano Sharia court has sentenced a -year- boy, Umar Farouq to years in prison for blasphemy - The boy was convicted by the same judge who sentenced a musician to death for blaspheming the Prophet Mohammed - In another report, the United States has faulted the death sentence passed on the Kano singer ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 21

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They just created a die-hard atheist.


Islam is the anti human nature most religions are.


Well I hope some high up politician or ambassanor can exert some politcal power and free the boy and bring his family to the US as refugees.

Same for the musician and his or her family. It's important to support freedom in art.

Oh yeah and I hope that "judge" slips on a banana peel, hit s his head on the pavement, and goes into a lifeling coma.


Islam is the religion of love and understanding, and if you believe that, I have a transparent burka to sell you.


Cancel culture


BLASPHEMY = A LAW enacted by man to try and prevent an Imaginary, Invisible, Non-existent, Omnipotent, Omni-benevolent Being from getting its feelings hurt.




That judge needs shot

That’s too easy. Hang him by piano Attached to a meat hook. The same way Hitler hung the conspirators of the July.20,1944 plot against his life when Colonel Stauffenberg planted a time bomb in his bunker in East Prussia which failed to kill him

@SeaRay215ex cmon now. Think of the people whod have to clean that up lol


Religious fanatics are everywhere.

Agreed, sadly.


In 1695 Thomas Aitkenhead was executed for blasphemy in Edinburgh.
Fortunately we have moved on since then and for the sake of the people of Nigeria I hope they follow suit.


Every people deserves the government they're stupid enough to accept.
As an American I earned the right to say that over the last four years.

Don't be too hard on the Nigerian people. There is so much corruption and missgovernment there that ordinary people have little choice but to do the best they can.

@Moravian and how is that any different than the United States? 😂😂😂

@phoenixone1 The situation in Nigeria and in the USA are worlds apart

@Moravian from the standpoint of "corruption"...not so much.

@phoenixone1 Nigeria is reckoned to have lost around $400 billion in corruption since independence in 1960
This almost equals their current GDP of $448 billion.
The GDP of the USA is over $21 trillion.
How much has corruption cost the American people in the last 60 years ?. A tiny fraction of that I would guess.
You guys are mere amateurs in the corruption stakes compared to Nigeria

@Bobby9 Understanding and compassion not your strong points then ?

@Bobby9 My original reply was to Willow_Wisp who thinks that because she is American she is entitled to call Nigerians stupid. She tends to put comments on here with no follow up so are you her spokesman now ?
The people in the north of the country are unfortunate to live in a virtual Islamic theocracy but in the Christian south they have mega churches and pastors with private jets that would outclass those in the USA so maybe both countries are lacking common sense.


Governments all make similar mistakes because govt is force and coercion.

Courts who put millions of peaceful people in cages are essentially no better. Although many people like to pretend that they are.

SCal Level 7 Aug 21, 2020

Islam...the religion of peace and mercy.

Sharia is simply the Islamic name for Abrahanic law. All three Abrahanic religions would do this if they could. Imagine a nation run by evangelicals.

@Beowulfsfriend Which is why I donate a few dollars every year to ACLU and FFRF! Every atheist should support them!

@LucyLoohoo I just renewed my membership in FFRF today.

@Beowulfsfriend They certainly would. Evangelicals would love to stone, hang and otherwise brutalize anyone not engaged in group think.

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