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Some Characteristics of the Child Mind

[My apologies for not knowing the reference for this. Perhaps another member has come across it, and can identify the author. I have found it fascinating, especially number 8 in the upper list and 14 in the lower.] Do you disagree with any of these statements?

Childmind argues only in sound bites. Childmind will refuse to say “I do not know”

Childmind will ignore al anomalies, contradictions and discrepancies.

Childmind has an attention span of fifteen seconds, after which he assumes a right to loudly interrupt. If childmind is particularly upset, he will interrupt at any time.

Childmind is very proud of being very skeptical. It gives him a sense of being intellectually sophisticated and is an effective way of avoiding unpleasant information.

About 99.9% of the population have the intellect of a childmind. Intellects of children are only developed to about the level of a nine-year-old: after that only the memory is developed.

When childmind perceives that it is losing an argument it will withdraw citing one of the following reasons:

  1. You are not an expert
  2. Your argument is far fetched
  3. The argument is from a vanity press
  4. I do not have time to respond to weak arguments
  5. Your arguments are disloyal or unpatriotic
  6. Of course, I know that you are just joking
  7. Your (effective) argument is an insult to me (or others) ludicrous, etc.
  8. There is no scientific proof for your argument
  9. Your argument hurts people’s feelings
  10. You are undermining my authority
  11. I am not going to fall for that trick (i.e. debating)
  12. Your argument was completely discredited years ago.

If presented with a requested standard of proof, he will raise the required standard

Some Characteristics of the Mature Intellect

  1. Asks questions
  2. Answers questions
  3. Is willing to say “ I do not know ”
  4. Does not interrupt
  5. Listens and learns
  6. Uses clear, concise, logical, formal and complete English
  7. Understands the meaning of words used
  8. Analyses rationality of thoughts before expressing them
  9. Does not emote nor use emotional nor colloquial terms
  10. Has no emotional attachment to ideas, positions, dogmas, judgements etc.
  11. Gives serious consideration to everything said
  12. Denies nothing without reason
  13. Understands some of the principles of informal/formal reasoning
  14. Understands some of the basic principles of science
  15. Understands some of the informal and formal fallacies
  16. Welcomes constructive criticism
  17. Obeys the rules of colloquy (a formal conversation or discussion)
    Pays acute attention to discrepancies, anomalies and contradictions
Mcflewster 8 Aug 23

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I don't think this one is necessary. "Gives serious consideration to everything said" Otherwise I have to give SERIOUS consideration to the shit from my culture about jews controlling us all and trying to kill us all with a pandemic, the covid 19 being a hoax, the moon landing and 9/11 being faked, climate change being fake because the WEATHER is not changing enough to make them believe in climate change, vaccines causing autism and slowly killing us, the new vaccine having a microchip inserted to follow and control and eventually kill us, that there is healing water or healing preachers that you drink or go to and your illness or disease will be cured, etc. If you've never been surrounded by Alex Jones nutters, of course you would posit such a foolish point of consider everything seriously.

@demifeministgal I do not think this age old analysis will EVER be redundant. It is a transition we do not HAVE to go through but our lives and for those around us will be better if we do. Try it if you can, then drop it after a reasonable time because it is making your life worse.

BTW if people are waiting for a dramatic long-lasting change in the weather it will be too late to do something about it..... probably.


This one is NOT a child mind argument. "There is no scientific proof for your argument". Unless you consider all of academic research and research papers as being carried out by child minds? This gives a convenient out for philosophizing fools to spout off unsubstantiated lectures, much like a preacher, without having to cite evidence or date.

@demifeministgal I suppose you are right about it not being scientific . Not everything has to be scientific to be interesting . It was just an interesting collection.
BTW is there such a thing as a demiscientistbloke?


Sounds like most theists and atheists with whom I interact.


you should have posted this in Trump Pinata, describes his childish behavior clearly!


I think the 99.9% of the population may be a bit too much.

@David_Cooper that’s a good point. It’s still hard for me personally to characterize virtually everyone as immature intellectually or as a childmind. I’ve yet to meet the perfect person.

I agree but it does feel like that sometime.


"Gives serious attention to everything said"....does this mean I have to check out Qanon?

Good to know and be able to identify your enemies. 😉

@Surfpirate too damn old to give more than a cursory glance to nutters.

@AnneWimsey pretty easy to spot at a glance, just look for skinned knuckles from dragging them on the ground when they amble about. lol

It helps to have working knowledge of them. No need to be an expert, just capable

@Canndue oh, I am not worried about That, lol!

Nothing good at all in Qanon.



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