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Laura forecast to hit Texas and Louisiana Coasts as a major hurricane. Stay safe my friends.

Hundreds of thousands of people were ordered to evacuate the Texas and Louisiana coasts today (Tuesday). Forecasters said more than 11 feet of storm surge topped by waves could submerge entire towns.

Are there any members here in the path of this storm?

If so, please check in after the storm to let us know how you are doing.

VictoriaNotes 9 Aug 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not in the path but thanks for caring.


I am torn between praying to be safe from the storm and rubbing my rabbit's foot inasmuch as they both certainly would produce the same result.

You could pray to a milk jug.

Well said my fellow agnostic.


Be safe everyone


I'll just go ahead and second your comment, hopefully they follow the instructions.


Wow. as they don't have enough of problems already.

@VictoriaNotes Texas is flooded with insane liar greedy polluter xians .... hurricanes like alleged gawds do not respond to any kind of prEyer

@VictoriaNotes looks like the eye is going to hit Lake Charles Louisiana and the Texas border


I'm in NYC.. Best wishes to Texas..


Please follow evacuation orders and be safe my friends.

Unity Level 8 Aug 25, 2020

While I wish them all to be safe, I just hope the vast number of trumpers there understand finally that climate change is not a hoax.

You know they won't! They probably don't believe in hurricanes!!

@Toonces Build a wall!!!

@Toonces I'll make sure it's a check that could be used for tennis.


Be careful and stay safe

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 25, 2020

Live dangerously is my motto.

Seriously when I realized living in Florida meant the hurricanes would get bigger and stronger, I fled to the mountains. We MAY get the wash out of both hurricanes but it may only be a few inches of rain.

@WonderWartHog99 Smart

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