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Is it true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?

You and the guys go to Mexico to do some fishing or hunting. Your wife and her girlfriends fly to a free hotel weekend in Vegas. You've seen the movies. Opportunity is all around for both groups. Are EITHER of your groups, in your mind, capable of making the wrong choices? Been there, done that. Secrets

BucketlistBob 8 Apr 8

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I've never been in Vegas but for some strange reason the "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" add campaign - - perhaps because of the colorful visuals that often accompanied the adds were often sexually provocative, I came to the observation of “Not true. STD’s will follow you home.”


When it comes to your money that would be true.


Not true.
I was in Vegas for approx. 8 months.
Some of the things I've seen there are not likely to be kept a secret. ?


No chance, people are people


I was there for two days which were two days to long. I found the crowds smelly, overbearing and crude. The prices were ridiculas and it just did not offer much for me. So the memories can stay there for me.


I have been to Las Vegas 4 times, once for a drumming gig, with my wife, that was cool. Another time for a friends wedding in the middle of summer, in a tux, outside, that sucked, didn't get lucky. Once for a seminar/class on how to set up array speaker systems in arenas and auditoriums, nothing happened (I was happily married, we lived in L.A.) and the forth time was another drumming gig, jammed with Daniel Dey Los Reyes, fresh off of an Earth, Wind and Fire tour, got laid that night, no not with Daniel, a girl at the party we were playing, I was single at the time.
Bottom line, Vegas, London, Rio...I am faithful.


No sti's tend to follow you home


It Follows.
Go there for a vacation
Leave on probation,


Your money. That stays in Vegas.


Funny question considering I was just there. lol. Yes Bob what happened in Vegas will stay there but not being compatible for a variety of reasons nothing to reminice about. A lot of time in casinos, no shows, and many public bus stops.


Nope. Been there and left. I'm not still there.


Hardly. Welcome to the internet.

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