I've read that Trump lost by nearly three million votes , and yet he still got the office . The candidates are theoretically vetted by the groups that support them as candidates . And yet it's come down to voting for the lesser of two evils . Once in office , they feel the need to repay the people who supported their getting the office , and suddenly become millionaires while decisions are made and laws passed that in no way are in the best interests of the vast majority of the citizens , nature , or the health of the planet .We continue to have riots and slaughters and the destruction of small businesses because the people are not satisfied and yet it's only the wealthiest 1% that have favorable laws . Elections are illusions .
No.... he did not lose. The electoral college did its job. You're whinging.
The last two Republican Presidents won because of the Electoral College in their initial elections - Bush in 2000 and Trump in 2016. Neither received a majority of votes nationwide.
While Biden was definitely not my first choice, I will vote for him. But more important than voting for him - I know he will place honorable justices on the Supreme Court. RBG will not last another 4 years, we must fight for HER! She has spent her life fighting for us; we owe her, our courts & our country this tremendously important vote!
The SC nominee argument doesn't hold any water with me about voting for Dem prez candidates because when it comes to the issues that matter the most to me, there isn't even any diff there between the parties. Both parties always nominate SC justices that are pro-corporate, anti-civil liberties, and against campaign finance reform. So what if they differ on abortion? Big fucking deal, it's a phony issue that both parties use to con their respective bases. If the Repubs actually wanted to overturn Roe, they could have done it a long time ago as they've had the votes on the SC for decades. But they won't do it because it would kill the Repubs in fed elections and they know it.
The way it works in this large country, it that we pick the better of the two knowing it isn't perfect. It can never be perfect with so many different points of view, points if interests, and points of need. We need your vote. Sitting it out is also a vote. So you can't win that way. Right now we have a party that has folded to a Nazi way of conducting itself. This is serious.
I completely agree ma'am. Again.... I will vote.
He's voting for Trump.
@JeffMurray Oops!
I think the wise words of The Rolling Stones apply here.
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need."
I am repeatedly disappointed by surveys showing a preponderance of Americans supporting general policies FAR to the Right of my own preferences. My choice was Liz Warren.
But taking your ball and going home is what a pouting child does. Since Donald Jackass Trump wants to end democracy, arrest all his opponents, build an oligarchy of his criminal friends, line his own pockets, rip children from their parents, cage them and scar them for life, trade away any semblance of national security in exchange for personal favors from murderous despots, sacrifice vulnerable populations to curry praise from hateful bigots, and rape the planet, ....I would say not voting is not an option.
Joe Biden is an old man with some traditional ideas, who doesn't have all the answers and WILL make some mistakes. But for Fuck Sake! At least his heart is in the right place, he is a decent human being who in his way does support generally progressive goals and wants to bring along middle America to that way of thinking.
I have to disagree with you Mike. I'm not convinced Biden is a better choice than Trump. Which is very depressing.
@bigpawbullets that is just stunning to me. You clearly are absorbing a different set of "facts" than I am.
@bigpawbullets I agree with @MikeInBatonRouge on this. If Trump wins again, say goodbye to basic rights, much less important ones.
And Beowulf, that's a huge problem for everyone.
I've turned off the news feeds from what are listed as extreme right and left sources. And it's still a HUGE task to get to the simple facts without the editorializations.
@bigpawbullets all news reports editorialize to a greater or lesser extent. It is hard to get to simple facts, because politicians intentionally obfuscate and sometimes falsify. Reporters have to investigate to try to uncover facts, and that is impossible without choosing some target, some angle. Even a choice to seek out an equal portion of information favorable to both/all sides is a biased choice. Assuming all sides are equally valid is itself biased.
Don't vote, and make sure you shut up for the next four years.
@bigpawbullets And a headache?
It's amazing how many people do not read other people's posts or your responses.
I used to say I wanted everybody to vote regardless of how they voted. Considering your responses I just wish you would stay home and take a nap.
I consider trump to be the worst president of my lifetime. The chaos and disrespect he has brought to our country sicken me.
I consider him to be a much better choice than Hillary and marginally better than Biden.
So what/who do you support? The meme you posted presents the false dichotomy of the extreme left and right along with the alternative Yang. If Andrew Yang was your choice, then why shouldn't his endorsement of Biden make more of a difference to you?
Donald Trump is primarily a unprosecuted criminal at heart. He has had a corrupt and criminal mentality most of his life, and his presidemcy has been no different. He needs to be put out of office. The choice to me is clear! Biden wouldn't necessarily be my first choice either, but Trump is so bad, he must go. Like it or not, Biden is the alternative and far better than Trump could ever hope to be.
Next election.... I'll vote Trump. Once I've committed I'm good with "Riding it into the dirt".....
I'll give him 4 more years and see what exciting things happen! Party on!!!!
Trump riles up his base by warning them of the erosion of their 2nd Amendment right. With Trump, I frankly am more concerned about our 1st Amendment rights as well as the other 8.
Not voting got us where we are vote
yes sir bob.... I'll be voting. As usual. Just a "down" evening for me....
@bigpawbullets Understand
@VeronikaAnnJ Thanks but message still stands vote
It's amazing how many people do not read other people's posts or your responses.
I used to say I wanted everybody to vote regardless of how they voted. Considering your responses I just wish you would that stay home and take a nap.
. I consider trump to be the worst president of my lifetime. The chaos and disrespect he has brought to our country sicken me.
while I respect your opinion, we differ on this. But the process in place to elect our leaders is sound.
But...the leftists are right. (See what I did there? )
Honestly, your post is either disingenuous or not well explored...
Whats depressing? Having to figure out stuff on your own? Are you incapable of judging right from wrong on your own? Why complain about something that has existed for millenia? Have you read The Prince? Have you read the Federalist Papers? This stuff has always been a part of the power struggle.
But let's analyze your post: there are no good choices...really? One has to be good, correct? Let's analyze: the republicans were in charge of both the executive and legislative branch at the top of 2017. Voters must not have been happy because they immediately lost the House in the next election year, and many other elections. Do you think voters are happy with republicans 4 years later?
I don't know about you, but the normal left, not the extreme cringy left, are fighting for issues I support. Freedom from religion for example. The right has abandoned atheists and agnostics for the religious vote since the 1970s. The right clearly have tossed out protecting our 1st amendment rights in favor for rhe religious vote, and haven't looked back. They will never have my vote as long as they support including religion in government and politics.
If you are a secular person...your choice is clear. Vote left.
I don't consider religious belief or non-belief to be an important variable in, well, anything. I'll be the first to admit that there are many smarter than I here in this community. However, I don't consider my post disingenuous. Simply a wish for more cooperation among our political groups.
@bigpawbullets It would be wonderful if we didn't have to consider religious belief in our politics--hell, it's what our founders wanted. But, the religious Right has been working for decades to use the government to push their beliefs onto the rest of us and tRump is catering to them.
I am surrounded by Evangelicals and I constantly hear that the US needs Jesus. We need to get back to Jesus. We need our nation to be under God (their version of God). tRump doesn't give a shit about God or Jesus, he just knows how to play the Evangelicals who, if given the chance/power, will be every bit as bad as the Taliban.
Our founders knew the evils of the marriage of Church and State and it's why they wanted them completely separated. tRump and the Republicans are doing all they can to tear down what is left of that wall.
This election is about preserving our Democracy and rebuilding that wall between Church and State. Biden may be a Catholic, but he absolutely believes in maintaining that separation.
I can understand how an atheist can be politically conservative. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how an atheist, or any reasonable person, can be pro tRump. He is not conservative--he is a dictator wannabe who is catering to reactionary extremists who want our nation to be under THEIR god.
And, a withheld vote, or a 3rd Party vote is simply a vote , or non vote, that helps tRump and tRumpism.
the point of the post is that does not matter who is right or wrong, both sides elite just want power, and voting for polarization is always bad even if one side is right.
Depolarization and union is the best option, because if not, there is no dialogue and you end up in 2 possible situations.
The executive chief has majority on the parliament and then can push his(and not his supporters) agenda even if is against his platform.
The executive does not have majority in the parliament... The countrie drags itself in endless discussions and futile power displays and maneuvers for years.
@Pedrohbds if your criteria is someone must agree with you 100% to "earn" your vote, you better run for office yourself. It is Always the "lesser 9f 2 evils" in any election!
That is not remotely what I said or meant, there is not even how to answer it without starting a whole new issue.
Read again my comment against polarization and not against compromising...
@bigpawbullets agreed definitely would like cooperation, and its a thing both parties seem actively against. Have to disagree with the importance of role of religious belief: we have god printed on our money, there are indoctrinated zombies who would kill you as soon as look at you, there are entire buildings, cities that exist and operate under religious belief. We have holidays based on religious belief. A large part of our economy is decided by religious belief alone. It's an important variable in a lot of things.
Thanks for the thoughtful and polite post.
I don't like Biden, but four more years of Trump & what little is left of our democracy will be completely ruined. I don't know how to convince people who feel the way you do how important this is. If you want your politicians to work together, you have to work to get people on the ballot that will work together. If you can't do the work personally, you could donate to a group like Our Revolution who employ people that will do this. But apathy is not the way to go.
agree. Thanks for being a responsible citizen.
sitting this one out is a vote for the orange nazi
Ok brother.
I'm voting for him anyways..
@bigpawbullets WHY?!?
Lesser of two evils.
@bigpawbullets what does this fascist pig have to offer that makes him a desirable candidate for the office of president?....
Are you speaking of President Trump or Biden?
@bigpawbullets Ok, HOW?!? Like, I need specifics here to even begin to grasp how people believe this. PLEASE!
I'm unclear as to what you're asking.
"How" what?
@bigpawbullets it should be crystal clear to anyone that has been paying the least bit of attention and has a minimal grasp of recent world history that a vote for trump is a vote for fascism and a vote for Biden is a return to basic democratic principles........
I respect your opinion. I don't agree.
@bigpawbullets not an opinion...a fact based on obvious evidence
I see you're a "True Believer".
Party on!
@bigpawbullets ....one thing I defiantly not is a trump cult member.....again, wake the fuck up
@bigpawbullets How, specifically, Trump is the lesser of two evils?
With due respect for Andrew Yang, Obama tried hard to "work with" Republicans. It didn't go so well. You can't honestly cast blanket blame on all politicians when one side cynically wants to burn our democracy to the ground and also defines "compromise" as the other side capitulating entirely.
and yet.... in my view, President Obama did not serve the country well.
@bigpawbullets But he genuinely tried - he gave his best. He inherited an extremely broken system.
Not an option for POTUS.
@bigpawbullets Who is your pick for most effective, positive president in the modern (post-wwii) era?
I'm not sure what you're asking but Mike.
@bigpawbullets yes. I am wondering about your standards, about what type of president you could actually support. Candidates are one thing; they can say all kinds of things that may sound good. But only ones who have actually held high elective office have any track record we can assess them by. Andrew Yang is a wild card. No elective track record. BTE, so was Trump, ugh.
I know of no historical presidents who have even come close to doing a perfect job. But that perfection I suspect is impossible. They have to balance all kinds of complicated factors once in office, and they have to work with a frustrating Congress. I can respect the efforts of a number of presidents, even though I wish certain policy decisions were more to my liking. I am wondering if your standards are so idealistic that no one in reality can live up to them, that only untested speakers can appear for the moment to be worthy of your vote.
Anyone who sits this election out will be complicit in trump getting elected again. I know the choices are not the best but trump is the worst possible result as we have lived through 3+ years of him & know to expect worse should he win a second term. That's why VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO because if you vote for a 3rd party, you are basically giving your vote to trump. WE HAVE TO GET HIM OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE & OUT OF THE LIMELIGHT. He MUST GO, and WE THE PEOPLE, at this time, still have the right to get rid of him. So PLEASE, any & all of you who want to sit this out because of the crap that keeps going on about both parties & how exhaustive all this is, VOTE ANYWAY. VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO. GET RID OF TRUMP.'
Please do not sit this one out. The future of our democracy and nation depend on our getting rid of the idiot Trump. Biden was not my first choice, but he is 10,000 per better than Trump. He will do many things right. Trump is both corrupt and totally incompetent.
Walt! Thanks for your input. I'll be voting as the good wife won't allow it otherwise. I'm confident our country will prevail. I just fervently hope without major bloodshed.
Wild horses or rising water will not keep me from voting. Likewise, nothing will keep me from continuing to write daily missives about the lying, cheating, & thievery going on in the White House. I also signed up to the PostcardsToSwingStates program, and I'm writing postcards to young eligible voters (many first-time) in the most important states in the upcoming election.
I applaud your enthusiasm and efforts.
@bigpawbullets I don't know if I can stand another term of Trumpism. I've ACTUALLY made plans to move to Europe if he gets elected.
Seriously? Okay here is the situation. You are on a long flight and you are hungry. The flight attendant asks you whether you would like the chicken or the shit platter topped with broken glass. So you ask how the chicken is prepared. Whatever you choose, that is your staple meal for the next four years. And you can't choose? Really?
Right now I see the danger as clear and present. I think I understand your pain, but think of it as a stepping stone. America is so far right it's insane. Too many voters will abandon any candidate seen as left of center. Thus, the strategic move is to take a compromise with a centrist candidate. Once they are in office, work, and work diligently, to promote leftist ideals to normalize them and make it so that the masses are ok with voting left of center.
And remember that there are no unicorns.
Yes! "Compromise" is a tough thing for idealists to swallow, but it is so necessary. We have to pick our battles in life. Cutting down everyone who is mostly on our side but not perfectly so is a disastrous mistake. Cancel culture is deeply frustrating for that reason.
(I am not so sure where bigpawbullets' political leanings even are. I am not convinced they are even left of center)
Astute. But I see the current Democratic ticket and platform as far more radical and destructive to our country than the Rupublicans.
@bigpawbullets You may be conflating Biden’s platform with other progressive and leftist platforms. Biden is a a centrist IMO
It may become clearer during the presidential debates.
@bigpawbullets Destroying what?
Portland, California, Seattle, Chicago......
Just a few examples.
@bigpawbullets so you are far right?
Note: America IS very much Right of center by every political metric I know. If you are advocating falling to the right of Biden, you are advocating far right, hard right, measures.
Labeling anyone is counterproductive.
@bigpawbullets Did you notice the question mark? I was asking if you tended to identify as to the right. Your initial post, and I'll admit that it caused me to make some assumptions, led me to believe you were on the left of center.
If you are on the right... why do you feel we need to go farther to the right? What is missing such that you think we need to add it to our nation, it's culture or... well, whatever.
What kind of candidate would fit your bill of 'perfect' (the proverbial unicorn)?
If you are on the left, my other statements stand. I do think that we need to move more towards the center, if not the left. It's obvious that we are failing ourselves and I think we need to repair that through various programs to support the middle class.
Note: i am a recovering Republican. I voted for Reaganx2, and Bush Sr, and started to notice (not at a conscious level) the direction our nation was going and... it just seemed like things were NOT going the right way, not for our average citizen and... well, we have been getting steadily angry at ourselves for quite some time, starting in that time frame.
I have made something of an amateur study of the changes, mostly focused on the Republican side, since before LBJ but there is a galvanic shift with LBJ and the signing of the Civil Rights Act... and it ain't pretty.
I don't ask to label. I am with you they are of limited value, but it is good to know who you are talking to, where they are coming from, in hopes of aiding your ability to talk with them about issues.
Don't know about right or left.... again, confusing labels. I'm for Constitutional Law. I've been "labeled" as a Libertarian.
Candidates? Maybe General (ret) Mattis for President with Connie Rice for VP.
@bigpawbullets Re. "Labeling anyone is counterproductive."
It's called language. We cannot have any sort of meaningful discussion without labels, though they ARE imperfect. We have to use them, then clarify our meaning/definition. Your post started out critical of Left and Right and embracing "Forward," but without clarifying your concept of Forward. The fact you referenced Yang suggested you were leaning to some version of progressive politics. But apparently not.
I still haven't heard if ANY of our historical post-WWII presidents match your idea of good for the country or not. But your mention of Mattis and Condi. Rice are helpful. So you'd like someone who actually HAS a governing philosophy, is competent, and is for law and accountability. The orange one is lawless, self-serving in the extreme, and a very dangerous autocrat-wannabe who whips up racial and other forms of hate, apparently to justify his claims that he needs more executive power to "restore order." That tactic is straight out of the Fascists' playbook.
Joe, btw, is a moderate Dem who is trying to work with the Left flank of his party to seek the "way forward." He is not Leftist. That claim is Republican bogeyman tactics and not reality-based. You may not consciously recall, but NONE of the centrist Dems even proposes any tax structure as Left-leaning as what we had under Eisenhower and even Nixon. The radical Right-wing robber Barron-favored current tax structure that was quietly laid out starting in the 70's and then found its cheerleader in Chief in Reagan is responsible for the most massive wealth disparity in favor of the rich that this nation has ever seen. Democracy cannot last indefinitely while such outrageous disparities persist. That may be largely why Republicans are seeing the electoral writing on the wall and have responded by attacking democracy itself. Their only way to win is through lying, coupled with disenfranchising masses of voters.
The other major importantant factor with the modern GOP, besides their disdain for actual democracy, is their doubling down on appealing to racists(and the most racist and otherwise bigoted factions of Christianity). Nixon's "Southern Strategy" to capitalize on Dixicrats disgrunted over the civil rights movement has only intensified with time. That is a large reason I cannot support any presidential candidate backed by the GOP.. Even someone with general integrity, like McCain or Romney, in running for president, becomes beholden to a truly Machiavelian cynical Republican machine.
People are, of course, free to differ on that, but I AM right.
@bigpawbullets Sad . Thanks
@bigpawbullets, @MikeInBatonRouge Sticky, inprinted or engraved labels BAD ; Tie on labels GOOD they are meant to be temporary.
@bigpawbullets so you want to see our Supreme Court full of drump picks?
Good morning Anne!
Sure. The Supreme Court rulings don't affect me.
Great Kabuki theater!!!
@bigpawbullets you must be male, deaf, and blind, or you would know exactly how the Supreme Court truly does impinge on your life.
Well, I'm a guy with hearing aids. 20/20 vision though thanks to Lasik surgery two decades ago.
Party on!!!!
Please don't do that! One thing's certain....Biden's a LOT more honest, empathetic and experienced in true benefit for the nation--not himself. You don't want to support the pustule...REALLY you don't!
I respect your opinion ma'am.
I'll be voting a Republican ticket.
@bigpawbullets What IS the ticket? What is it about Trump’s administration that makes any sense at all?
@bigpawbullets Could I ask why, please? I don't understand your reasoning.
@bigpawbullets may I ask why
The incumbents.
@bigpawbullets But what’s their platform? Everything Trump says is wrong and that he’ll fix, is crap that happened on his watch.
I believe the 2016 platform is still valid.
You can Google it in it's entirety.
@bigpawbullets in case you might have missed it the draft dodging piece of shit doesn't have a platform....like everything else he does he's winging it.....throw shit against the wall and see what sticks.........thats his platform and that's how he operates and that's why he is a profound failure at this job...wake the fuck up
@bigpawbullets because you want the Supreme Court, and myriads of lower courts, packed full of right-wiing religious believers....?
Balanced.... not packed. I'm not against other's religious beliefs. And all citizens should be represented.
@bigpawbullets same question: you think drump cares about "balanced"? And you are okay with him being the appointer?
Yes to both.
The choices are depressing I agree. I'm sitting on the side of if I don't vote it is actually a vote for trump. If i vote 3rd party its a vote for trump. I just can't do 4 more years of the orange blunder. I hope I don't have to.
I agree. Don't feed a troll. But for the rest of you, I'll leave you with this meme ...
@nicestuff Maybe some of us are not interested in public transport the rest of our lives. We would rather eventually buy a car, as in vote for a third party if a viable one comes along.
you say you might sit this out? there are places in this world where people don't have a right to vote. don't be a disgrace to the men and women who died protecting your right to vote and live in a democratic country.
Totally agree. I'll be voting as usual. Thanks for the kick in the ass.
Yeah, that would be real smart! GEEZ! That is as stupid a statement as I have ever heard. One of two people will be President. Anyone thinking they are similar is too stupid to live.
I prefer cremation.
@bigpawbullets I will gladly supply the gasoline and matches.
@VeronikaAnnJ I had BPB blocked for a long time. For some reason I unblocked him. It appears I will have to again. I know a couple of conservatives that are voting for Biden. I find it hard to believe anyone even with a high double digit IQ can't see what he is doing to this country. Trump is simply evil. He doesn't even hide it.
You're tooooooo eager Sticks!
@bigpawbullets Not really. It is too hot to be starting a fire. Lets wait until November or December.
It's not really possible to 'sit out' an election. You have a vote that your predecessors fought and died for, a democracy that was supposed to show the rest of the world how democracy 'could be done'.
A vote not cast is a vote for the winner of the race, a vote withheld from someone who may be a better candidate. America - I say this as a foreigner - is in grievous trouble and She needs all the help she can get.
I agree our democracy is in big trouble and if trump wins we are all doomed and what happens here will affect negatively the rest of the world it already has
And it's his fault for coming up with simplistic ideas to explain where we are today. The breakdown of the political systems has been predicted for a couple of decades as a result of putting the economy ahead of the natural support system on which that very economy depends. Politics, in the end as about who gets what and when the natural resources become scarce (as they are now) people start fighting over the spoils.
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:
There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
~ Frank Wilhoit
I would argue that the corporatism involved is bipartisan.