Most if not all organizations are now in clutches of Marxists and very political I was kicked out from Atheist organization for asking Santa to bring me a video showing a polar bear feasting on still warm liver of Nancy Pelosi. Facebook banned me for life for not following "society standard". My is a writer and she was kicked out of many periodicals for criticizing the dictator in Berlin Merkel. I was kicked out of Sierra club for differing with directive to members to protest the construction of the wall. I suggested that someone made a mistake in the post we surely need to support the wall we needed for many decades. I am worried that no matter who wins the elections we will have a civil war. Trumps is the best president since Kennedy, the only remaining high profile patriot, if he falls America is gone. I am collecting friends to build a commune somewhere in Asia. Yes, for now people are laughing and I am realist and not moving yet but I do not want to miss the last plane out.
By all means, DO NOT MISS THAT PLANE!!
Ya know…. there’s a place where I quit reading, thus wasting my time. Congratulations, you got there faster than most
@SanDiegoAirport Party pooper.
"Last plane out" to...where, exactly? You do realize other nations have banned us because we are disease-carrying vermin, right?
@Varn Reading it was like watching a train wreck, but in the end in conjunction with his profile warranted the best laugh I've had weeks.
@LovinLarge ..I didn’t get far enough to appreciate your ‘plane’ reference, but suspected it was hilarious ()
They have special places for people like you Arizona Jerry! Feel free to find the Arian Brotherhood groups on 8chan. Along with your Nazi friends, KKK buddies and whacko militias.
@LovinLarge I will try to make sure
@Barnie2years How many years it took to get such ideas? It must have been hard. I run for Libertarian once, not the KKK.