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Two orgs who should be apoliical but aren't .

Lorajay 9 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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The thought struck me today … if you were ever curious who’s under those hoods a trump rally..

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

Most if not all organizations are now in clutches of Marxists and very political I was kicked out from Atheist organization for asking Santa to bring me a video showing a polar bear feasting on still warm liver of Nancy Pelosi. Facebook banned me for life for not following "society standard". My is a writer and she was kicked out of many periodicals for criticizing the dictator in Berlin Merkel. I was kicked out of Sierra club for differing with directive to members to protest the construction of the wall. I suggested that someone made a mistake in the post we surely need to support the wall we needed for many decades. I am worried that no matter who wins the elections we will have a civil war. Trumps is the best president since Kennedy, the only remaining high profile patriot, if he falls America is gone. I am collecting friends to build a commune somewhere in Asia. Yes, for now people are laughing and I am realist and not moving yet but I do not want to miss the last plane out.

By all means, DO NOT MISS THAT PLANE!!

Ya know…. there’s a place where I quit reading, thus wasting my time. Congratulations, you got there faster than most 😉

@SanDiegoAirport Party pooper.

"Last plane out" to...where, exactly? You do realize other nations have banned us because we are disease-carrying vermin, right?

@Varn Reading it was like watching a train wreck, but in the end in conjunction with his profile warranted the best laugh I've had weeks.

@LovinLarge ..I didn’t get far enough to appreciate your ‘plane’ reference, but suspected it was hilarious (😀)

They have special places for people like you Arizona Jerry! Feel free to find the Arian Brotherhood groups on 8chan. Along with your Nazi friends, KKK buddies and whacko militias.

@LovinLarge I will try to make sure

@Barnie2years How many years it took to get such ideas? It must have been hard. I run for Libertarian once, not the KKK.

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