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Now, okay I'm an Aussie and our Election/Voting Laws are probably different to the U.S. BUT I heard it said that PotUS 45 is urging his 'supporters' to Vote twice in November.
Here in Australia the Electoral Laws state that " It is One Person, One Vote only," and double voting is punishable by law when caught, usually a very hefty fine btw.
So, how does it stand in the U.S?
Here we HAVE to be registered as Voters when we turn 18 years of age, we MUST vote in EVERY election, be it State, Federal or Local and when there is a need for a By-election IF it concerns the Electorate in which we live.
Surely any voter voting twice should be illegal to say the very least and as such urging voters to vote twice must be an act of aiding and abetting the Criminal Act Fixing/Rigging an Election and thus negating the Electoral Processes and the ENTIRE Election as well?

Triphid 9 Sep 9

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Voter fraud is a federal crime in the U.S. I wonder how many of his addle-brained followers will wind up in federal prison as a result.

That depends on how fast he can issue pardons, I'd guess.


Honest to (the non existent) God ( I don't believe in), you would think that the US -- the greatest country in the world, or so they keep telling us globally -- would understand some basic democratic voting principles:

. Elections run by an independent publicly paid authority and staff, not partisan party hacks.
. Electoral boundaries based on demographic data, and principles of science, reviewed and changed transparently by the above mentioned authority.
. Voting counting by non partisan people, with very harsh penalties for any corruption and fraud.
. Voting for electorates and parties and candidates, not for faceless electoral college hacks, like back in the time of Paul Revere, riding to Washington with the results.
. Scrupulous postal voting procedures which clearly pick up any attempt at double voting.
. Clear processes of sending out postal vote forms, uncorrupted with no possible interference by party hacks.
. Recognition that universal voter registration, updated between elections by independent authority, not to mention the value of compulsory voting ( which actually means having to submit a voting form, whether or not you actually vote for anyone is up to you).

Are these things too much to expect in a country which invades other countries with reckless abandon bringing "democracy" (while dragging in friends and allies like here in Australia) not to mention interfering in the political affairs of any country it sees fit to, on the grounds of lack of democratic processes?

That deserves a (non-literal) AMEN!

Thank you!


Yes, you are correct that voting twice is illegal here, too. You are also correct that Trump urged his supporters to do exactly that.

Of course, he backpedaled when called out, (the "I wasn't serious!" excuse,) and for once I actually believe him, more or less. I think he was just running his mouth, and when you run your mouth faster than your brain, sometimes you say stupid shit.

Are you serious that you have to (are legally required) to vote in Australia?

Well, IF you want a say in how your country is run then why should you not vote, even if it is made a Law that EVERYONE of Voting Age must vote?

@Triphid I agree! But I'm not accustomed to voting being required, so it sounds strange to me.


Yeah. Australia is mad that they have to pay their fair share to the UN now.
Equal is bad. Orange man bad.

Hey don't knock Australia until you've actually tried it.

Here's just a very few of Australia's good points.
We do NOT have Donald Trump,
We do NOT have idiots running around shooting kids in schools, etc,
We are NOT obsessed with picking fights and starting wars just to boost Arms Sales,
Aussies INVENTED Wi-Fi and heaps of other things besides,
Aussies invented the Bionic Ear, I.V.F, etc, etc,
Our Football player do NOT wear shoulder pads, etc, etc,
We DO already pay our 'fair share' to the U.N.,
Other than those smog filled cities. we have heaps of wide open spaces with Fresh, Clean air and wide open, blue skies,
and that, Sir, is just wee sample.


Voting twice is a major crime in america

Trump knows that, because of the pandemic, mail in ballots are going to be more available and that's bad for him because it makes voting easier and will probably result in more people voting which is detrimental to conservative chances of winning.

So Trump is do his best to ruin the post office before the election and he is attempting to make people believe mail in voting isn't secure and mail in votes may not be counted. So he tells people they better vote both by mail and in person to be sure their vote gets counted. It's just part of his effort to smear the post office and mail voting.

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