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Do you think apples in bygone times were the sweet, juicy, carb-filled things we have at the market nowadays? How about carrots, corn, and etc? No, much more like crabapple & wizened roots!
As a long-term Type II diabetic, I know for a fact eating Paleo, or Atkins, is far, far better for my health, as demonstrated by both finger-sticks & HBAC1 tests, than even very low fat carb diets filled with high fiber, such as Dean Ornish's....which I have tried, with disastrous results.

My diet cured my diabetes, high blood pressure, and improved my health in other ways, too.

I’m sad about what they did to our Braeburn apples; they used to have rough skin and a beautiful taste. Now they have generically smooth skin, but the taste is gone ☹️ That’s what happens when you leave a Country for 15 years, you come back and notice the difference!

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