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OK, here's my paranoid conspiracy theory. Both parties seem to know who is going to win the presidency BEFORE the primaries. I'm not necessarily saying it's a literal, conscious, deliberate conspiracy - maybe it just appears that way because everybody seems to be on the same page, and maybe they all came to the same conclusion independently because they have enough experience in Washington to have developed a good intuitive sense of what can and can't happen. I don't know.

I first noticed it when the Republican Party ran 73 year old Bob Dole against a popular Bill Clinton during a strong economy. Really, Republicans? Was that the most dynamic candidate you could find to represent your interests, or were your real contenders just saving themselves for a time when they might actually have a chance of winning? I really felt sorry for Dole, who seemed like a sincere man who was just being used as a placeholder in a contest they knew they couldn't win. Maybe he knowingly volunteered, thinking it was honorable temporary duty as his last contribution to his party before retirement?

Is 77yo Biden really the best the Democrats could find to represent them in 2020, or is he just a sacrificial anode being used to wait out the inevitability of the Trump phenomenon?

skado 9 Sep 11

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Well I know it’s definitely a thing to use a throw-away when running against an incumbent, because incumbents almost always win the presidency. Also from Biden’s perspective this is probably his last chance to win.

kdmom Level 6 Sep 12, 2020

Biden is a centrist Democrat who can draw votes from staunch Democrats, left-leaning independents, and even Republicans of the non-cultish variety.
He is the best choice the Democrats could have made for Nov2020. I am most pleased with his running mate. My guess is she will be president BEFORE the 2024 election.

...the perspective of Seattle ~ love it

My guess is they will lose.


That's a good point. It's like burning a throw away card on a round when you anticipate that your opponent has something you probably won't beat.

Biden has throw away card vibes oozing out of his pores

That’s exactly how it appears to me.


Biden was the logical choice. Everyone that ran against Biden in the primaries were not really known well by the majority of Americans. Biden will have no real surprises. We know who he is. America has had enough surprises with Rump. They were not ready to gamble again. No Republican who had their eye on the Presidency was going to run against Clinton. The only person in my lifetime to run for that office and lose and then run later and win was Nixon. It is not who the party picks. It is who the people vote for in the booth or mail. Bernie had three things going against him. 1...He is not a registered Democrat. Parties like their own. 2...It is still too soon to run around calling yourself a socialist in this country. too many people hear communist when they hear the word. 3...The angry old man shtick seldom sells well (see Bob Dole). The leberal Dems running this time would not likely get the support Biden is getting from the moderate Repulicans, which will be one reason Biden will most likely win. IMO


‘Both parties’ may have an idea who is most likely to win their primary, once the contenders announce. This year, only one knew for sure - because they allowed no contenders!

Dole was simply next in line. The Republican’s were like that, back then, very hierarchical, militaristic. Kinda like when Mondale went up against Reagan, he was simply in line … not our best candidate, but the best person in the final race..

The mistake you’re making is, for example, Biden wasn’t ‘put on the ticket.’ Biden chose not to run against HRC, because she was the obvious choice. This time, there was no ‘obvious choice.’ Sanders was the ‘front runner’ … and better known age-appropriate candidates stood back.. The void filled with.. ..too many inexperienced not-quite-ready-for primetime players 😕

Another mistake you make, though perpetrated by seemingly all disgruntled, is the Democratic Party is not some ‘deep state’ apparatus. It’s a conglomeration of procedural oriented folks from ‘State Central Committees,’ the stuff most duck out of local meetings for fear of being nominated! They can organize candidates, schedule primaries across the nation, but lack the authority or ability to ‘choose candidates.’ The People, via primaries do that.

Your “paranoid conspiracy theory” ends in more of a question than a statement. Biden stepped up because no others would. Sanders support had faded, and for a while, primary voters were scrambling. They went with a familiar, proven, stable leader of both the US Senate and eight years in the White House. All above board.

The ‘sacrifice’ here is that of Joe Biden spending his last years in the hot seat. He’s sacrificed himself - for the best interest of our nation, and planet. The Republican propaganda machine is locked & loaded, as usual. But they gave the nation nothing - not even a choice. Now, we have one. To question him is not only too little, too late’s wrong.

Varn Level 8 Sep 11, 2020

I’m not a deep-state tinfoil hatter. But DNC action in 2016 (acknowledging in court that they deliberately tipped the scales in favor of Clinton, AND getting the court’s blessings for it) makes it hard for me to believe “The People, via primaries do that.” I think the system is still basically functional, but I don’t buy the idea that the table can’t be bumped. Not even the DNC denies it.

I think I’m with Cornel West when he says we are being forced to vote for Biden, but we should never for a minute stop holding his feet to the fire.

There’s nothing I’d like better than to see Trump evicted, but in the unlikely case it happens this November, it won’t signal an end, but only the beginning of the Democrat voters’ work.

If you’re content with Biden’s record and his platform, that’s your business. I’m not. And I’m not willing to launch into glossy fantasies in hopes of inspiring more Biden support. Some of the responsibility for winning lies with the candidate, and I’m perfectly willing to let him carry his fair share. It would be wrong to ever stop questioning him.

@skado In 2016 the DNC was broke, kept alive by HRC donations in order to function. Those involved of course knew who was the best and eventual candidate. The vilification of both HRC and the DNC continues, it’s the preferred narrative of those incapable of accepting the people’s will. PS - it’s no longer 2016 ~

You’re not being forced to vote for anyone, maybe that’s the problem, in some nations voting is mandatory. Too many mistake our binary system with having no choice. Our choice is during the primaries, or prior to, if you decide to run. Problem is, those who benefit from the system are the least willing to change it … so implementing a parliamentary system is unfortunately not about to happen.

Claiming it’s “unlikely” trump will be “evicted” ..and bad mouthing Biden at every opportunity seems a self fulfilling prophecy on your part (and the guy who ‘likes’ your stuff). If I trusted you - I’d bet you $10,000 trump’s going to be fired. Would you bet against that?

Biden’s record & platform is that of someone involved with ..what, fifty years of legislation? Had he not evolved, he would not have been nominated by his party. He did, and continues to, for the good of his party, our nation, and the planet. If you can’t live with that, then you’d best crawl under a rock 😕

We see it differently. I hope you’re right.


I've had similar questions myself. More likely we're just being tag teamed by the 2 party system.


The "party" is diverse and it doesn't have a lack of "moderates". There are conservatives who pull to the middle, that will always be the case. They have their own financial interests and that is going to be a influencing factor.


If Biden is such a bad candidate, why did Trump try to invent a scandal with the aid of Ukraine to destroy him? Name who would be a stronger Democrat as far as electability. Maybe Andrew Cuomo. He's not running. You've been exposed to all those toothless white people down in the armpit of America. There are 50 states in the country and unfortunately Alabama is one of them.’ve a way with words 😉

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