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LINK Church Court Punishes Priest Found Guilty of Child Sexual Abuse With… Prayer | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

He is most likely just gloating inside at getting off so easily. he should have been defrocked and turned over the the police and courts for punishment.

snytiger6 9 Sep 14

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A lifetime of prayer? That is CRAZY!


Abso freaking lutely


If an animal hurts a child, the animal is euthanized. Why should some sick human pervert who's doing it to get his jollies be shown so much more consideration?


How is “Church Court” allowed to exist?

Mvtt Level 7 Sep 14, 2020

Many churches have their oqn "courts". Most have no authority in a secular society.


WTF, he just gets a Church "Get out of the Shit Free" card and that's all?
I'd have the bastard horse-whipped with a length of rusty old barbed wire, and that's just for starters.


that'll teach fuck more kids up


And nothing fails like prayer.


This is the kind of garbage that makes me want to see capital punishment as a consequence of committing crimes against children.
There is no "rehabilitation" for this kind of abuse. Given the opportunity, they will almost always do it again.

100% correct!! There is no way they can be cured,

@SeaRay215ex The ONLY 'cure' is, imo, TOTAL emasculation.

@Triphid They still have diseased brains.
I still think they should be put down, permanently.

@KKGator So, would you also suggest that people with other brain/mental disorders be 'put down' as well?

@Triphid Absolutely not. I didn't even suggest anything of the kind.

I'd say try castration (including removal of the prostate), before death. Let the offender choose, either they can remain in prison for the rest of their life, or they can undergo castration befor ethey get released after serving time. (still working on the idea in my m,ind)

@snytiger6 Do they or did he give their victims any choice when he/they started abusing them?
So I'd offer them the same, i.e. TOTAL emasculation with ONLY a local anesthetic so they are wide awake and are able to watch the entire process.


I'm tempted to say that being in a religion is punishment enough, then I realize the magnitude of the crime.
Screw Church Court, they don't get a court, we have a REAL COURT SYSTEM to deal with this sort of thing.

Burn ‘em at the stake!!


Hang them by their balls in public with a very sharp butchers life close by!!!

Then gag them with it, then burn them at the stake!!

All committed in full view of the pedophiles who are next to be punished!!!

Cruelty has not bounds for these pedophile animals!!!

Agreed. Church court should not be a thing.

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