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Atheist religion

Has anyone had someone tell them that being atheist is religious?

Travel1 5 Sep 16

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Yes, just as being bald is a hairstyle and not watching TV is a network.


Yes, and when they have, I've told them to get a fucking dictionary.


Atheism is a religion like NOT collecting stamps is a hobby. 😛

Like abstinence is a sex position.
Like bald is a hair style.

@QuidamOutrepont Like "off" is a TV channel?


The way I see it, atheism is the opposite of religion. Atheists have no need for blind faith. Instead, we go with facts and evidence.


An atheist lacks belief in the existence of gods.

"Martin Luther said there are no atheists!" a Baptist minister said triumphantly, as if that settled the matter. I laughed. "I don't care what a Catholic monk said over 400 years ago," I replied and stood up. "I don't want to argue with you. Thanks for lunch. Goodbye."

Exit stage left

I get it, I'm the union of apathy and ignorance,I don't know and I don't care about what they believe anymore.


All the time. It is something to equivocate Atheism to religion. One must understand that many theist can not imagine a world without a myth belief. When someone tells them they do not believe in a god they simply can not imagine that that would be possible.

It is also a very, very common tactic by apologist. In this case they know damn good and well atheism is a lack of a belief in god. They still keep up with the lies regardless. It is interesting that they have to resort to lies so often and believers simply ignore it.


Then I missed out on the doctrine. I always miss out on stuff like that. 😟
I understand why it is looked at as a religion legally but beyond that, nah.


I've had a lot of religious discussions and can honestly say that I have never had to contend with that.

gearl Level 8 Sep 16, 2020

I really only read shit like that here

twill Level 7 Sep 16, 2020

If someone is creating a poll to ascertain what religion the participants are, they might list several religions, and then also say "other", "none", "athiest" or "agnostic", etc. So, in that respect, it could be listed as a category of religion, but it's not a religion in itself.

Atheism isn't a religion, but one can be atheist, yet also be religious in a form of spirituality that does not include a god. Is Humanism a religion, or a philosophy?

In order for me to be legally permitted to perform marriages, I have to call myself a minister of "spiritual humanism" and have to mark that the marriage ceremony was "religious" since that's the only way I can solemnize a marriage. If my couples were to go to a judge, the ceremony could very well be laden with god talk, which my couples don't want.


Religious people think that being religious is part of everyone's life, like blood. For them, Atheism must be a religion.


All the time.


I have come across that assertion in a handful articles written by Christians.

@David1955 Quite. The idea that atheism is quite separate from religion seems to me to be beyond the capacity of such Christians to comprehend.


Yup. And the same has been said that it takes more 'faith' to be an evolutionist. and some other nonsense. Usually comes from those who have no real argument against non-belivers, or Science, or even Critical thinking.


Atheism is the antithesis of religion. No nobody's ever said that. Until now.

Atheism is the antithesis of god. There is at least one religion, Buddhism, that has no god and I would imagine there must be more, perhaps Wicca,


Only when we help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. 😂

Mvtt Level 7 Sep 16, 2020

Atheist religion is an oxymoronic phrase.


Not personally... but I have seen countless videos of people making that claim.


It happens all the time. Believers also claim that we have "faith" in gravity. I'm not sure of the point but I do know if you jump out of a plane you will go down instead of up.


Yes I have and I quickly corrected them.


There are two meanings to the word 'Religious' . To put it briefly

  1. supporting a set of beliefs e.g.christianity
  2. fastidious

What is another word for fastidious?
fussy dainty
finicky particular
choosy meticulous
picky punctilious
critical difficult
158 more

  • obviously a common human trait

I once suggested that someone on FB was 'religious in their atheism'. It was like lighting blue touch paper! I received the full lecture in a very forceful manner. I didn't bother replying. If he couldn't see that I was commenting on his single minded non-belief, then there probably wasn't much to say.


Yes and I just laugh in their face

@Travel1 if I don't laugh there's a good chance they'd catch at least one of these hands lol


Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other".

Word Level 8 Sep 16, 2020

Wear some some capes, and funny hats & a white shirt w/ a skinny tie, some sort of guide book and don't pay taxes....... you're all set .

If you get too high, you can always chow on the pasta


One definition of "religion" is a belief system that involves deities, i.e., magical beings. An agnostic doesn't have a belief system, and of course, no gods. An atheist "believes" there is no god, therefore it can be said that he has a belief system, but no gods. I like to cover my bases and call myself an agnostic atheist.


I don't have friends or relatives or even know people that could ask such stupid question.

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