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It is most likely that the so called "local business" people who objected to this madness.


The most surprising discovery to me is that there were apparently boy bands in the USSR. I just can't picture a Russian version of "NSYNC".


Arrested in Russia for claiming to be a reincarnation of Jesus. What did the man expect would happen here? He must have wanted this to happen so he could strengthen his belief and those who believe in him. This is going down the way the man who made the claim wanted it to go.

Let me explain it using an entirely different subject. I see questions all the time on whether you think it should be a crime to burn the American flag. Most people answer "yes." If you keep silent and burn the flag who would know?


Do you think they will use a cross this time, or just use poison as that has become the way of things for Vlad.🤮

Don't think Vlad will be too worried.

@Fernapple Nor I. 🙄

They tried all that with Rasputin, so I reckon 'Old Vlad will either send him to some out of the way Gulag in Siberia or just have him impaled so the Cossacks can use him for target practice....LOL.


Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many.

There are people that read the bible and says, "this is a prophesy that I must be the one to fulfill the prophesies ".

Or, do you think they actually never read the biblical prophesy and there is actually "power" in the prophecy?

Word Level 8 Sep 23, 2020

@Lightupmylife Do you have scientific data for this speculation. or is it just that, a speculation?

I mean, I could speculate and have made comments that it appears to me that 99% of Christians are typical dishonest illogical atheist that lie and say they are Christians but they really are not. No. I have no data for that speculation.

@Lightupmylife my memory evaded me for a moment. Hyperbole, you are speaking with hyperbole.


Man, we been waiting soooo long!


BUT, IS he also a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails....LOL ( sarcasm most definitely intended btw)


Потому, что Россия рай!


Cult leaders who claim to be Jesus is so common it's practically a job category at this point. You'd be put upon to find a cult leader who doesn't claim to be Jesus.What's truly ridiculous is how many people keep believing this shit when they make this claim.


"Everything god wants to say, he says through me."; now give me some He obviously isn't endorsed by


Now do the pope.

Mvtt Level 7 Sep 22, 2020
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