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Energy Cannot Naturally Be Created or Destroyed! isn't this scientific principle proof of Eternity?!

Hey guys, here is a comment from a member:"My after life would be defined as my atoms going back to the earth and say rising as a tree and going through the lifecycle again"
I totally agree with this scientific "noticeable and measurable" fact, and I'd like to add another scientific fact that can't be denied:
" Energy Cannot Naturally Be Created or Destroyed!" so according to the logical and natural LAW of CAUSE and EFFECT, what makes you move and think must have a noticeable and measurable cause!
The thing that makes your body alive is subtle body with couple of layers each one linked in a dimension of the same nature or frequency... one of them is an electromagnetic body that is the direct cause of life for the physical body, you can measure the energy value of it by a simple tool! will you believe then that you are of energy? and would you realize that energy is life itself that have WILL and can carry info and move? Energy doesn't end but it just changes! it is noticeable and measurable but it is "now" unseen for the naked eye.
I'm not trying to drag you to religious beliefs... I'm Agnostic who used science to end up in Spirituality. I just want you guys to believe in yourself and to let you know that... We've come too far to give up who we are.. So let's rise the bar and our cups to the stars!

WilliaM8 4 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you're making a poetic or romantic case that we are part of the universe and will remain part of the universe when we die just in a different form. In a practical sense I don't think it matters a lot, without a brain, there's no consciousness and therefor no cares for our state once dead. However I do find it inspiring that we are a part of the universe developing conscious and looking upon its self in wonder.

Would you mind explaining a little how it is that the Universe manages to look upon itself?

I absolutely love your comment!

I was also waxing poetic a little as well. I was referring to how we are all star dust... "From the Big Bang the first 2 lightest elements coalesced hydrogen and helium forming into first generation stars called Population III stars and in their cores produced the first 26 elements in the periodic table. They would explode and from their gas and dust next generation stars Population II and including our own sun Population I, would form with progressively greater and heavier elements allowing for rocky planets like our Earth to form." We are a part of the universe contemplating the universe.


Not to be the wet blanket, here, but it's the law of conservation of energy AND matter:
If energy(matter) is destroyed, matter(energy) is created, to maintain Einstein's equation of E=mc².

In the vast reaches of the future, the universe will enter a state of "heat death" in which energy will come to a bare minimum and most atomic nuclei will have been fused into iron; with no hydrogen or helium, there will be no stars to shine, and there will be nothing alive in that perpetual cold darkness. Eternity? Maybe. But it really won't matter (pun intended).


Godot Level 7 Nov 27, 2017

Interesting... thank you.
I've another question regarding our energy... Where the energy of the dead body leaves? why it was with that body before death? and why this dead body now without noticeable measurable energy? finally, why if we supply the dead body with energy it won't be alive again? Please don't mention the muscular contraction, it is a temporary and limited action and reaction causing tissue damage when it's repeated for a certain time.

Consider, given that a human is, biologically, a large collection of specialized cells, a better understanding of life & death can be gotten from a uni-cellular organism. Take an amoeba, a paramecium, a bacterium... Life, at the cellular level, is an intricate set of chemical interactions and processes. A cell dies when some part, such as its membrane, becomes damaged, or it runs out of food to fuel its processes, or it becomes poisoned by some process-altering chemical (including its own waste chemicals). Once the life-processes stop for a cell, they could - theoretically, and barring cell-wall damage and the like - be restarted, but only if done in chemical unison, and not by simply providing a jolt of electricity.

Further, as humans are multi-cellular organisms, whatever 'energy body' you propose for humans would have to apply to plants and other animals, as well, and even to uni-cellular organisms. Does that complicate the notion of what continues past death? It seems, it would have to, unless humans are uniquely endowed with something, and that something would have to be demonstrable scientifically.

Actual observations and laboratory investigations - science - can get us through so many 'what-if' wonderings. We have a pretty extensive knowledge of physics, chemistry, and biology to draw on. 🙂


You are referring to the principle of the conservation of mass and energy. There's a definite amount of matter and a definite amount of energy in the universe and neither can be added to or taken away from.

So your body rots. That matter is all still around but it is no longer a body. The same with whatever energy you're talking about. It's still around but it ain't got nothing to do with anything human anymore.


Why no? Have you concluded this statement by experiment? or it's just a belief of your belief system?

Yes I can, the sun is always up there in the air.... the relativity theory is just a fraud... it's not science! it's science fiction.

@WilliaM8 Special Relativity is science. The premise it is built on was demonstrated by the Michelson-Morley experiment. I have done the math myself that proves the equations used it special relativity.

That changes nothing

@AlexiaJaquet1 I will read about it again to see if there is any change in that theory... yes, it's a theory. If I believe that a huge mass like the earth is spinning, then I must pray to Jesus and Yahweh thanking them for this great effort.... and ask them to supply me with that energy that moving the mass forever......... honey, just look up in the sky to the moon.... dose it spine? take a look of it from Australia and from US... will you get a different view of it.... it's the same shitty face facing us all the time.... the ancient knowledge had been kept secret, because knowledge is power. You might tell me the moon does not spine only the earth spines, then I have to pray to Jesus again for this wonder! Thank you for sharing with me info... peace and love


To realize that our bodies are run by energy that's in-destructable is not a 'religious belief' it's a fact.


I believe our bodies go back to the earth & our energy back to the stars. Nothing of 'us' remains after we die.


Um ... what? Did you say something? I managed to extract about as much sense out of this as I would out of something Chopra has said. Could you reword this a bit so that I can understand what it is you're trying to say?

I'm trying to say that "we are of energy" and this gives us possibilities beyond the void... that's it ... it is a good news sir, cheer up!

Nice New Age thought, but wrong on so many levels. Of course, you are free to believe anything you want, but I don't think this one is going to go very far at all. I suspect you don't know much about science or how it is done. I could be wrong, of course.

Let's discuss ideas sir rather than attacking each others.

Saying that I suspect you don't know much about science or how it is done is not in any way ad hominem. It is merely a comment based on observation. You are free to either relieve me of that suspicion or confirm it, or something in between. Your choice. Oh, and it is the idea that generated that suspicion.

Damn, I hate Deepak too...everything he says leads nowhere & gives me a headache...sort of like the questers in all the Lord of the Rings books.


The sun has not been there forever, and it will not last forever. It's just a lot longer than biological times.

The moon does spin. It spins once in the time it takes to go around the Earth. This is not a coincidence.


Don't talk about energy if you don't know what it is. Seriously I think physics chemistry and engineering should have a copy right on that word. Energy is potential to do work on an object.

Every object that is a collection of molecules is an electromagnetic body. Magnetism is generated any time you have a moving charge.

Please do not use physics in your spiritual journey. Not unless you are willing to take the time to actually understand to a degree that would satisfy an expert. Otherwise you are just going to contribute to the many misconceptions that exist about physics and end up building your spiritual house on a foundation of sand.

Spirituality, in my opinion, is something that comes from within.

When I say I'm spiritual, this doesn't mean that I believe in some illusions like others who don't know what to do in life and don't even know what is life .. I mean that I'm using uncommon ways of manipulating reality including the physical realm...and I can talk to the dead and let you speak to your lost ones direct talk using advanced technology... this mean that I'm following scientific method to make "cause and effect"... I used to be radical atheist who believe in whatever the media says.. so I was always under the spill of the "effect".... then I released myself and I've learned how to become the "cause".... you can call me MAGICIAN ... thank you
for your advice!

If you want to read about science to strengthen a belief in free will, read up on chaos theory.

I will, thank you.


You can't talk of molecular physics and living biomass like they are the same. Living things convert light and organics into fuel with which they grow, replicate and often move in ways that defy the laws that apply to matter. As a given living entity decays and loses its ability to convert energy into action and thrive, it gives up its stored energy to something else and ceases to exist as a bio form. Sorry no eternal life. Believe me, at seventy two years old that decay is real and I don't have a problem with that. Perhaps your queries involve too much Chopra and not enough Neil De Grass Tyson.


Wow! Thats a statement. I don't know.


I am just an ordinary person searching for some idea of the afterlife.I do believe that we do not cease to exist after death but do go on in other energy.Do you feel that you will see your loved ones?


In way yes,
Einstein theory says energy equals mass timesed by the speed of light squared. E=MC2.

So you either have energy or mass and it can convert from one to other ,so you get less mass if you have more energy or vice versa as speed of light is a constant. We also know you cannot destroy or create energy..its always been here and it always will.

The big question is why that energy that has always been around suddenly decided to switch itself into some matter and create our universe....they still trying to work that one out.

It might be a step of EVOLUTION that is well structured from DENSITY that require PARTICULARITY... to the LIGHT that require nothing but the absence of density.
Or it might be an alien trap and we all stuck in da f**k.

I don't think I am being padantic but you have energy in the form of mass and energy in the form kinetic energy and energy in the form of potential energy. The true form of Einstein's equation is E=mc^2 + k.e. k.e. being kinetic energy. You don't have a duality between mass and energy. You have two forms of energy in the form of mass and kinetic energy.

Thanks Alexia,that makes more sense actually,and well explained.


"I'm Agnostic who used science to end up in Spirituality."

I was going to make a caustic comment but all you guys have already put it better than I can.

That was my path... more than 10 years dealing with chemistry, biology and the human body.... so I'm an expert in causing caustic or healing effects to a living creatures... go LOVE yourself sir.


Sorry that sounds like Deepak Chopra to me.

gearl Level 8 Nov 26, 2017

Sorry, I didn't understand what do you mean by that?


It could be. We have no proof of any beginning or end to the universe.


I don’t think we can prove that time has always existed. So if eternity depends on time then I don’t think you can prove that eternity has always existed. Though infinity can exist if time goes on forever forward.

But if there was a state in which time did not exist then cause and effect might not hold through. Like light is strange because it always travels through the universe at the same speed and nothing could go faster. But if something could go faster then maybe time would break down or Time travel might be possible.

Myah Level 6 Jan 4, 2018

You are forgetting Entropy.......


Eternity refers to time. Perhaps before the big bang time didn't exist. And perhaps after a "big crunch" time will not exists. Read "A Universe from Nothing" by Krauss. Peace.


what about the oreder unorder therey ?


Here we have an example of a little knowledge is not enough to make a complete thought. You are confused by knowing the words but not what they actually mean. It is true that you cannot destroy energy or mass, but there's more to it than that. There is what is known as the mass-energy equivalence.

Although basic ideas about matter trace back to Newton and even earlier to Aristotle’s natural philosophy, further understanding of matter, along with new puzzles, began emerging in the early 20th century. Einstein’s theory of special relativity (1905) shows that matter (as mass) and energy can be converted into each other according to the famous equation E = mc^2, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. This transformation occurs, for instance, during nuclear fission, in which the nucleus of a heavy element such as uranium splits into two fragments of smaller total mass, with the mass difference released as energy.

We have a great and measurable example of this process in our Sun. It loses mass at an incredible rate through two processes. One of them through literally blowing off mass in the form of particles that we call the solar wind. The surface of the sun is hot enough that electrons and protons boil off its surface and stream away from the Sun, generating a “wind” of ionized particles. The solar wind varies a bit in intensity, but from satellite observations we know that the Sun loses about 1.5 million tonnes of material each second due to solar wind. Now, this is actual matter, so it's not doing anything but changing position.

The second way the Sun loses mass is through nuclear fusion. The Sun fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. The production of helium transforms some of the hydrogen’s mass into energy, which radiates away from the Sun in the form of light and neutrinos. By observing just how much energy the Sun radiates, and using Einstein’s equation relating mass and energy, we find the Sun loses about 4 million tonnes of mass each second due to fusion.

So the Sun loses about 5.5 million tonnes of mass every second, or about 174 trillion tonnes of mass every year. That’s a lot of mass, but compared to the total mass of the Sun it’s negligible. The Sun will keep shining for another 5 billion years, and by that time it will have lost only about 0.034% of its current mass. What Mom meant when she added just a smidgeon of salt. Hardly enough to notice, but enough to give the desired flavor.

What this all means is that matter converts to energy in certain reactions and that tells us that though there is less mass left after the reaction, its equivalent has been released as energy. The opposite of this can occur also, but that requires something along the lines of a Big Bang event or a super massive black hole.

What you have written above amounts to nothing more than technobabble and sciency doublespeak. Lots of words. No meat.

I forgot to add that the energy of the body that you talk about is the result of all those little dinky atoms vibrating like mad creating heat and electrical energy, but none of that carries information, so as the body decays (providing you haven't been pickled or cremated), all those little atoms go off in all sorts of willy nilly directions. Nothing is left of you -- the mind -- that wonderfully interconnected body and brain that made you who you were will be gone. Kaput. Adios. You can forget about coming back as a dust mite or a cute Koala or as a ghost to haunt anyone.

Interesting, thanks for the info.. some of it are true such as this sentence: "all those little atoms go off in all sorts of willy nilly directions"... some are just a belief not a fact.
How can we believe in theories that we didn't experience? Talking about the sun and solar heat waves is just believing in what others say... it is exactly like the religious way of dealing with reality... is it wise to believe in whatever the Church or the media tell us? what is the different between a religious person who believe in Jesus and go to church as a follower and a person who believe in the big bang and go to school as a follower? it's the same... wake up people! We don't know what is the sun and we can't put statements about it...

When you deal with magic you’ll get to know what is the energy of magical spheres… You see it's effect in events that you create so you get to know by the mental logic it's nature.. it's not a burning gas like what they've told us.. neither a solid spheres, it's the best and purest source of energy that can carry info and a will... You can use it to give life and to enhance quality of life physically, mentally and spiritually, for good and bad will.... also you can use the sun and other spheres as a portal to other dimensions that you get knowledge from and direct communications with advanced entities, when you learn the nature of the half physical half spiritual transparent moon, you start to be an expert in magic… a little God… a scientist who do the cause and the effect using the heavenly spheres... the guys in NASA and other organizations that belongs to the Elites know this facts and they are applying it in their life and are hiding this knowledge because knowledge is power... if we all get power at this primitive stage of consciousness experience we gonna mess up everything an f**k up each other.

Another wasted effort. Oh well.

@jwm03h - Yes, at a prodigious rate. A loss of mass through conversion to energy is where the big boom comes from in a hydrogen bomb.

The mass of the sun is approximately 1.99 × 10^27 tonnes. It only loses 1.74 x 10^14 tonnes per year. If it were to lose all its mass (something it can't do) it would take 1.14 trillion years at the same rate for all that time. 5 billion years is nowhere near that long and because of the nature of fusion, the sun will have become a red giant, then collapsed to a white dwarf long before it will lose more than a small fraction of its current mass. Part of that will be because of a slowing down of the fusion process as it ages.


of course, it is. you don't think the meek are human, do you?

Well, this depends of what we mean by the concept of the 'Meek", if we understand it through religious point of view then we won't get an accurate definition for that word.

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