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Let's Discuss What Islam Offers...

Hages 7 Oct 3

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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It's usually argued that Islam and Christianity are evil to the same extent. While how they treat their own religious brethren is up to them, we should be concerned about how they treat the rest. In Islamic nations, the non Muslims are allowed to live as second class citizens provided they pay the jaziya (head tax). This was practiced in the mughal times. The text hasn't changed, but I don't know if they are following these Islamic rules now. Do Christian countries have similar laws?[]



They did offer good science at one time and then a particulate caliph did not like it and from then on it played no part in their thinking. Although of course they use modern technology now.


Just another Death cult of animal and human abusive torturing mentally depraved male dominated cult of death!!!


Nigeria sentenced a 13yr old boy to 10yrs for blasphemy. Last month they called for a 22 yr old singers death for his blasphemy related music.



They blew up the Twin Towers.

19 Muslim hijackers did. Correct. And among the victims were over two dozen Muslims, including an NYPD cadet. Two were passengers on American Airlines Flight #11.

Shabbir Ahmed: 47, Windows on the World Restaurant
Tariq Amanullah: 40, Fiduciary Trust Co.
Michael Baksh: 36, Marsh & McLennan
Touri Hamzavi Bolourchi: 69, retired nurse on United #175
Abul K. Chowdhury: 30, Cantor Fitzgerald
Mohammad Salahuddin Chowdhury: 38, Windows on the World
Jemal Legesse De Santis: 28, World Trade Center
Simon Suleman Ali Kassamali Dhanani: 63, Aon Corp.
Syed Abdul Fatha: 54, Pitney Bowes
Mon Gjonbalaj: 65, Janitor, World Trade Center
Nezam A. Hafiz: 32, Marsh & McLennan
Mohammed Salman Hamdani: 23, NYPD Cadet
Zuhtu Ibis: 25, Cantor Fitzgerald
Muhammadou Jawara: 30, MAS Security
Sarah Khan: 32, Forte Food Service
Taimour Firaz Khan: 29, Carr Futures
Abdoulaye Kone: 37, Windows on the World
Abdu Ali Malahi: 37, WTC Marriott
Nurul Hoque Miah: 35, Marsh & McLennan
Boyie Mohammed: 50, Carr Futures
Ehtesham U. Raja: 28, TCG Software
Ameenia Rasool: 33, Marsh & McLennan
Rahma Salie & child: 28 (7 months pregnant), American #11
Khalid M. Shahid: 25, Cantor Fitzgerald
Mohammed Shajahan: 41, Marsh & McLennan
Nasima Hameed Simjee: 38, Fiduciary Trust Co.
Michael Theodoridis: 32, American #11
Abdoul Karim Traore: 41, Windows on the World
Karamo Trerra: 40, ASAP NetSource
Shakila Yasmin: 26, Marsh & McLennan

So, for example, if an atheist robs a convenience store, would it be fair commentary to say, "Atheists rob 7-11s", with the implication that this is a characteristic of all atheists everywhere?

Please don't tar with the same brush.

@Paul4747 Jihad is a religious rite of violence. I can criticize Christians, the crusades, the inquisitors, witch trials. Criticize Muslims and I'm a bigot. 72 virgins. A murderous faith. I only said it because it's true and I knew it would make everyone's head explode. I read the meme and I added something they forgot to mention. "Let's Discuss What Islam Offers..." 9/11 was omitted. I dared to mention it. How many terrorist acts to they have to commit?

@barjoe So does that mean that the racist branches of Christianity here in America represents the religion of Christianity and we can blame all Christians for the crimes of individual Christians?

@redbai it means generalizations are nasty & dangerous and creates "reasons" to treat ,"the Other" badly, just like Hitler did with the Jews.

@redbai Look at the meme posted by the OP. The subject of 9/11 is relevant to the post. And in answer to your question, yes I believe Christianity is harmful as is Islam. My initial comment about the Towers was relevant to the original post tho.

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