I've been convinced from the start that Trump is faking. A coward like him is not nearly brave enough to take a joy ride if he had a deadly virus.
Leaving the hospital after 3 days? T-shirts ready to go? Gee, ya think?
Forget "brave"......the word you're looking for is "stupid". And, yes, he is stupid enough to think that somehow he really is the "chosen one" and that will afford him some protective bubble through all of this. I'm hoping that - in true trumptard style - he will rush back to his campaign schedule (i.e. rallies that he feeds from, emotionally) and that will lead to a major relapse. Some people only learn things the hard way.....
I don't think he has it. He wanted Obama's birth certificate? I want proof of a positive Sars-2 test. I think he's going for sympathy and wants to appear the martyr. He goes from supposedly taking Regeneron, Dexamethasone and Remdesivir for advanced Covid, to being released today. I'll believe it if he dies. Otherwise I call bullshit. He doesn't have it.
Time will tell, I hate to think that WRAH would be part of a conspiracy.
They do what they're told
@barjoe Yes and no. They have procedures that have to be followed, and documentation coming out the wazoo. If they are being coerced to break rules it will come out eventually.
@HippieChick58 if he wins the election, he'll cover it up. The only way I'll believe he has it is if he dies.
@HippieChick58 Eventually might be too late though.