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LINK A Wisconsin Man is Angry the Mayor of Ashland Skipped “Under God” in the Pledge | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

On September 29, in the city of Ashland, Wisconsin, Mayor Debra Lewis began a meeting of the City Council by leading everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Her version, however, didn’t include the words “under God.”

snytiger6 9 Oct 16

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Funny how people get there panties ruffled over reference to Casper the friendly ghost.....

Yet never mention the lack of liberty and justice for all...

Just sayin’


"Under God" was added in 1954. I was in the 6th grade in school. I always skip saying these words.


The Under God part doesn't bother me as much as the idolatry towards a flag. That kind of patriotism is like a secular religion, which is more insidious than religion itself

Yeah. I always thought that to pledge allegiance to flag was a bit cultish.

Yes, I'm okay with children learning the pledge even voluntary reciting it at special occasions but daily reciting and forced reciting, no. That's indoctrination.


That's progress!! ☺


Poor snowflake

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 17, 2020

My daughter led the Pledge of Allegiance over the microphone in a middle school talent show with parents present. She was silent noticeably during the "under God" part. A group of students tried to get her impeached. They failed. 🙂


Someone show this dude the 1st amendment.


Oh my!


The under god was added in the 50's to combat the godless communist.

More to appease the McCarthyism radicals of the 1950's.


Poor Zygmund Jablonski Jr. needs a sanity check, LOL!


Good for her.


Conservatives, malcontents looking for something to be pissed off about.


The city of Ashland has existed since before time? Did Stephen Hawking know about this??

I think Native Americans would disp8ute that claim too.


If that is all he has to be angry about in this world he should consider himself lucky.


Oops 🤭


I'm with the Mayor. Whenever I say the Pledge of Allegiance, I skip the words "under god." 🙂

Me too.


I haven't recited the pledge in decades.
Nor do I stand for the anthem.
Those symbols mean nothing to me, and no one has the right to force me to "respect" them.
Sure wish people knew more about civics than they pretend to know about patriotism.


The original pledge did not have "under God". It was added during the McCarthy era, sometime in the 50s. Fuck that "Wisconsin man"!

@barjoe I had a bumper sticker way back then: "one nation under educated", much more appropriate, more so today.

@Paganlyl What delightful ambiguity!

@Paganlyl I totally agree.

Fuck that "Wisconsin man"!

Yes, but which Wisconsin man? McCarthy or Jablonski? Both perhaps?


Nothing like spewing your ignorance for others to see.

I saved the newspapers page so I could check back for any responses.

Leelu Level 7 Oct 16, 2020
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