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People that are over age 70 are pretty much made of eggshells and nose hairs.

Dyl1983 8 Oct 16

Enjoy being online again!

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You don't get to be 70 without learning how to handle fuckwits. Go and pick on a 70 yo face to face, if you've got the guts to do anything other than slander from safety, and see how well you fare.


That’s a beautiful view of history


Bullshit I've survived crap that would make you curl up in a fetal ball

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 16, 2020

You, of course, will never be 70, or older.


Go to bed boy . Pray for brains .

GREAT connection, Pralina!

There is an old movie from the 60’s called the Flim Flam Man with George C. Scott playing an old hustler. A line a remember and have been using lately is;
“I’ll dance on your grave son. “

@Sierra4 ♥️😂♥️


And your point is??? Are you just trying to start a snit? Because here's the truth....I'm absolutely NOT "made of eggshells and nose hairs." At the risk of stating a cliche.....seventy is MUCH younger than it was two decades ago! We're living longer, healthier lives and we're donating time/energy to good causes as well as contributing greatly to our communities.

I'm guessing you're far short of 70. You'll find of these days....and you'll remember this silly remark.

@Dyl1983 Is this some kind of apology?


All generalizations are no damn good, including this one. I work for an insurance company and one of the products is Medicare Supplements. All day long I conduct health interviews with folks that primarily are over 65. I've talked to some 90+ers that are in better shape than I am, I'm 62.



My favorite hiking partner, Karen, 73, hikes every day. She is faster than me.

As a former snowboard instructor, Karen visualizes snowboarding as she descends. Holy crap! I have to run on fairly smooth areas- pack bouncing on my back- to catch up with her.

Karen takes photos with her Iphone.


Well aren’t you a friendly and polite young man.

@Dyl1983 Not hard enough.

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