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Even tho he resembles a camel, I would date Bill Maher. I do love animals & he does not like or want kids.


The Orange Cheeto is nuts and it did not prevent fellow nuts from putting him in the White House. Jus' saying !

Don';t you mean "Cheato". =0}

@OldMetalHead Yes and no. Yes, if it was direct majority rule, which it has never been, he would have lost, twice, buuuuut he did still get 63 million people behind him the first time and then increased his vote total by 11 million more people the next time around. If he was even 1% less of a fucking idiot, he would have won. He needed to be charismatic and helpful for the last few months. Stuff like providing the $2k checks, not shitting on McCain, acting like a leader and a tiny bit humble and he would have won. There are a tremendous amount of complete fucking idiots in this country ready and waiting to vote in the next aspiring-dictator Republican, and it will likely happen in 4 years.

@OldMetalHead Agree. Any one thing would have probably done the trick.


This is totally irrelevant but it just so happens that I was googling Angela lansbury cos today is her birthday. I couldn't believe she was still alive cos frankly I thought she was an old woman 40 yrs ago. Anyway I cam across this picture of Bill Maher who acting in Murder She Wrote. He is a goofy looking fella. That hair!


I happen to agree with Bill. Religion gets a lot more deference and respect than it is due by our government. ACB has beliefs and is a member of an organization with view that are antithetical to the very core of our democratic society. As such, she CANNOT be an impartial arbiter of justice and that should be called out.


Well, I lost a lot of respect for Bill Maher when he cucked in front of Ice Cube. ACB is more than qualified to serve in the Supreme Court. Last time I checked, we are not using a religious test as a qualification for public office.

Certainly Bill will change the way he does things because you lost respect for the way he does anything. Probably considers it a monumental, devastating loss he’ll never recover from.

@ThisIsPatrick nice try with the trolling. The fact that he apologized for a joke, even though he himself is a comedian, is cowardice personified. He does not realize that leftists loathe him but still tries to ingratiate himself with these morons.

@OldMetalHead That is her home life. Again, how does this disqualify her from the Supreme Court? Probably because he has a job too, eh? You are aware that religious beliefs cannot be used as a test for public office?

@OldMetalHead okay then. Prove it. You have not proved that her religion would have an effect on her rulings.

@OldMetalHead Can you get your head out of your ass for once? It's always best practice to wait until you can prove someone will do awful things you have every indication they will do before you take steps to prevent it, at least when dealing with something as menial as a lifetime appointment to the most powerful court in the entire world.


That is actually a good thing for the republicans as being nuts helps them get their way. No one seems to want to mess with crazy people. Maybe that's why tRump has so much appeal.


Barrett will be a far better judge than those like Sonameyer, Ginsburg, Kegan or Breyer who were appointed by looney liberal presidents! Trump will be re-elected and we will have lot more conservative judges appointed to the federal courts!


To be honest, I understand everyone’s concern about abortion rights and LGBTQ rights. For one thing, SCOTUS has been a conservative majority for over 50 years, and Roe vs. Wade was decided by one as well. Let’s not forget abortion was legal in New York and California before Roe was decided. Just as the LGBTQ community were guaranteed protections under New York State Law before the 2015 SCOTUS decision. Overturning either of these merely means that these issues go back to the states to decide on what is best for them and their populations. Southern States will just enact more restrictions most likely while liberal or blue states will likely pass more laws to protect them.


Maher is correct. Wat we need to fight for next is term limits for the Supreme Court. Why not? Why is it that we need these people on the bench for life? They were put there by an elected official with term limits and this makes the "lifetime" appointment so very wrong.

That’s how it works on the state level in states like Wisconsin. So yes I totally agree on term limits for that.


This how the wealthy and their corporations scam us out of money, property and into enslavement!!

The use of religious dogma is not a reality unless you are taught it is real, that you can suffer from it!!!

Religion is the opiate of the masses is beyond any force ever created by/for mankind to control the masses of sheep being lead to slaughter by their hand picked Judas goat!!!

The stacking of the courts with unqualified religious fanatics by these Obstructionist republican fascists is so purposeful for the wealthy and their corporations, it enables them to embed full trust of their elected leadership which in turn uses this trust to dehumanize, victimize, and enslave them while offering whimsy of faith and flagrant False hope which is never delivered!!!


Maher may be right in his assessment, but the Senate confirmation hearings did not ask him for his opinion, nor mine, nor yours.


IQ , sanity, and literacy tests should be mandatory for anyone running for, or being appointed to, public office!

Not only that, we need to exclude above all, Draft Dodgers. They are dishonorable cowards who would be bettter off in front of a firing squad as far as I’m concerned. This means people like Giuliani, Karl Rove, B. Clinton, the current shithead in the whitehouse and Newt Gingbitch as well. Death to traitors!!

That would exclude Biden from even being able to run!


Barrett must not be on the Supreme Court, or any other court. She wants to unconstitutionally abolish the separation between church and state. Shame on her!

If that ever happens, it would be hard to imagine what would happen.

@SeaRay215ex Maybe another crusade, in which xians slaughter non-xians. 😲


Bill is spot on about Barrett.


bill had some good points


He makes a very valid point.


I agree whole heartedly. Her deep seeded belief makes her a liability as a SCOTUS.

exactly why she was chosen she is already expressed opinions against gays and pre existing conditions and roe and birth control altogether

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