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Political Ads

Do you think there are people out there who will change their opinion because of a political ad or are they just a waste of money like I think they are?

Namaste 7 Oct 21

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I can't speak for oters most if not all of those adds are pure garbage either twisted truths or total lies


I’m talking television ads. The ones by Lindsey Graham in SC are ridiculous.


There are some persuadables. Look at how many previous Obama voters were persuaded to vote for the talking pile of orange shit.

Not sure that was people changing their vote or just not voting. After all Hillary won by several million popular votes.

@Namaste Obama won the Electoral College and Hillary didn't. I blame Russian propaganda acting on the small minds of trump voters.


I think ads from the Lincoln Project, to name one group, contain a lot of "food for thought" which gawd knows this country could stand more of!


I like to think the Lincoln Project has/will change the minds of some Rs (and independents). 😛


I couldn’t imagine setting my mind based on a phone call, but some people do vote Democrat so I guess it’s possible.

Lincoln Project does give food for thought but I was talking about tv ads. These things are awful.


Tough question. The thing is--sometimes one simple phrase can throw a light on an issue. I think that, in the case of the pustule, knowing who he really is and then seeing some of these "oh how wonderful I am" ads has GOT to raise a credibility issue, unless, of course, the viewer is totally indoctrinated in his lies. Then...waste of money.


I think it's a waste of money

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