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A recent visit for a haircut at my favorite local Snipit place had me discovering that it is under new ownership entirely. Talking with the new owner, she says my voice is so unique that I should have been a preacher, or at least make my living as a speaker of some sort. This got us instantly into religion as a topic.

Both of us are former Pentecostals and she tells me of her new non-denominational church called Grace City. She thinks it is wonderful and they have between 200 to 400 on Sundays. As we talk on I find that she is big on faith, swearing is allowed, but Jesus will just do everything for you if you believe. I admit I am not much on tattoos but her and her daughter have plenty of them. (OK, so do my daughters.) The projected outward look is that of any modern day phone freak and you pretty much wear the clothing that you want to wear.

I got a good haircut but left with a renewed assurance that believers in our world today are still making god in their image. Other than church attendance this is not far from a person saying that they do believe in -- something.

DenoPenno 9 Oct 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Susan B Anthony said it best.


At least you got a good haircut. 😉


I would have explained to her that tattoos are not allowed to have according to the bible!

I'm sure that the tattoos started before Jesus saved her from himself. Possibly she got them at a time of "in between" in her religious convictions. Oh, well. Why cry over spilled ink.

ha well thats OT, but tattoos are still a certain sign, a sign of something maybe eh

Nothing matters what you think, say, or do once you've accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour. You are then saved by grace. Afterall we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god.

Sorry, I happen to know how they think and reason. Know too many of them. Trust me, they are covered by their bible somewhere. The Judeo-Christian bible is filled with dis-claimers and the above is a couple of them. The paradoxes and inconsistencies --- good luck with that. Too long of conversation for my energy level.

But I so do love throwing back scripture at them. My favorite is throwing back the "spec in other's eyes while ignoring the plank in their own".


I could've been a preacher with a few less scruples and a lot more gullibility. And I've been told I have the face to work in radio.

But seriously folks....

My ex goes to a church where they have what they call a "special music" segment, where someone volunteers to perform a song. I offered to sing The Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash. I thought it would be very appropriate, since they're a fundamentalist church and believe in the Apocalypse and so on. Oddly, nobody ever got back to me on that.


Does she know that the O.T. bans tattoos ?

And garments made from more than one kind of cloth, and all kinds of things....

@Paul4747 One sabath I am going out in a polyester/cotton shirt to collect some sticks, to restart the fire which I let go out the night before, and cook myself a nice chowder by boiling some meat in milk and adding some shellfish. Then I will just help dispose of my wifes sanitary towel, while I watch her take a shower. That should be me fixed.

@Fernapple Just plant some corn and beans next to each other, and you'll have all the bases covered.

@Paul4747 @Fernapple. Verily I say unto both of shall be cast into the pit of hellfire and damnation for eternity!

Yes, but in the NT in Revelation Jesus returns riding a white horse and he has tattoos on his thighs. King of Kings, etc.


I would be worried that she is connected to up to 400 people on a Sunday anyone of whom could be covid 19 positive and then she is in close contact with the people in her salon. That is a big nope for me.

With all due respect this post is more about the idea of a dogmatic evolution taking place than the safety of their practice. COVID warnings easily derail subjects so that's my main caution. This is a good subject. I'm learning to be less rigidly against their POV in favor of trying to nudge that POV toward a more liberal concept of it. Jesus is more liberal than the God of Old Testament and they seem to have forgotten CHRISTianity is about Jesus.

Budgie, I think you are right. Nobody distancing or wearing masks in that church.


That means to me there's some mean sorry people out there that claim to be Christians.

And lots of them.

many will cry "LordLord" huh

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