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LINK "Vote Him Away #3 (The Liar Tweets Tonight)" - YouTube

I know one of the singers in this video, a largely inactive member of this site @BluesTunes

HippieChick58 9 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Love it!

Unity Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

I bought the digital download of this CD. Roy Zimmerman is a really cool talented guy. He goes all over the country helping with fundraisers for good causes.

I met him in Lacey, Washington. I spoke with him shortly and left my cd's on the table. As I was leaving, he ran out into the parking lot to deliver them. I was stunned.

@PondartIncbendog he is one of those things we call a very decent human being.


This version is pretty confident and encouraging that we will vote him away.


New version, same great idea!

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