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If you aren't an atheist would you be kind enough to explain your reasons?

waitingforgodo 8 Oct 31

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I never use labels. I just don't believe in bullshit.


I am not an atheist because the word "atheist" carries so much false and unwarranted negativity that I refuse to use the word "atheist" to describe who I am. I am a Secular Humanist or simply a non-believer.


The only reason I could see for not identifying with atheism would be semantics.


I was not an atheist for most of my life, I am now but I became one pretty recently.

For the time i wasn't, it was because of lack of information and fear of going through life without the idea of a powerful being looking out for me.


"I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist", Frank Turek and Norman Geisler

"The Language of God", Francis Collins

"The Book of Mormon", Joseph Smith

"The Bible", King James I of England

"The Pastafarium", the Pot Noodle Company

Turek alone is reason enough to go atheist. Another would be Greg Koukl. I'll have to look up Geisler just to see how cringey he is.


Lots of people hating this question. I don't think you'll get many/any actual answers from a believer but this is a forum for talking religion so I don't think it was wrong to ask here. I was curious to see their answers too.


I understand the question. It just doesn't apply to me

twill Level 7 Nov 1, 2020

Why would you even ask a question like that here?

Sound like a troll.

I don't see how its trolling to ask about why people have the world view that they do. It's curiosity and a willingness to learn and understand others.

Aren't we here to communicate and exchange ideas?


Those that publish books in favour of gods, but no proof of gods, are on religious sites, not on this site.

Sadly some troll in and some Atheists enjoy bashing them .... I don't think a single rapist priest has spewed their lies here but weekly if not daily news of arrest and imprisonment of rapist clergy thieving fraudulent clergy is posted here...... prEyer always fails believers talk to themselves and the delusions inside their skulls

There are a tiny few in here who list beliefs and merely hope for sex with Atheists not guilting any of us Atheists into a church wedding....this is an open dating site but believers can't fully function in our community due to their boring ass handicap called faith clouding critical thinking and science


sorrry, cannot comply since i AM an atheist. however, i don't understand why asking HERE would be helpful. most people on this site are atheists or agnostics. are you asking in order to understand agnostics or religious folks?



Good question, but I am sorry to say that I would rather not ask it. Because I think that most of the answers would be, very boringly silly.


I have a brain, not a book.

Hello again. Have not seen you for a bit, hope you are still OK, I know things have not been good in your neck of the woods ?

@Fernapple I've been counting the days and hoping for a great change in this country.


Good answer


Good question. I am an Atheist so I can not answer as why some people still believe but I think it is because of the way they were brought up. I can not prove a god does not exist nor can I prove goblins, dragons, leprechauns and the tooth fairy do not exist but I still do not believe in them.

Non-believers do not have to disprove a god:

A god is not defined by reality or existence, believers make the assertion that it is, the god makes no assertion whether it exists or not, it is therefore the believer who must then prove the assertions they make.

All the non-believer has to do is mock them and have THEM prove their nonsense.


Because there is really only one way to deal with things you do not know and that is to say you do not know. This step makes you an atheist. Unfortunately many people do not move on from this . Moving to be comfortable with the agnostic position is a reasonable step because it hurts no one.


Atheism is illogical. I really do exist.

Word Level 8 Nov 1, 2020

@word Sorry, I did not hear the clap of thunder and see the flash of lightening.

@Mcflewster You in a desert where there is never any rain storms?

Prove it

You are god? Impossible... God is a woman


@Omnedon we have labeled ourselves as gods for longer than we have labeled ourselves as homo sapian or human.

There are different styles of "gods". Why do you [and most illogical atheist] sound as if there is only one style of God?

@Cutiebeauty god is not my name, that is correct.

@Omnedon for at least almost 2000 years we have labeled ourselves as gods, you are incorrect. The laws for the nation of Israel documented other wise.

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law,(A) ‘I have said you are “gods”’[

Yes, Jesus style God was "invented " as biblical text explains Jesus was Angelic created being created by the old testiment people-gods speaking Jesus into existence as it is purported.

@Omnedon just as well as you call us "people " we can call ourselves gods.

@Omnedon Kit Carson and Daniel Boone, rather modern"people " accepted to be gods. As well as the powerful banking industry controlling "people".

@Omnedon ...and where is the "discreditedation" for biblical text?

@Omnedon Michael Jordon, basketball god. Have you seen him fly thru the air? Can a FAT human dunk like mike? I don't think so.

@Omnedon Yes, that is what a basketball God is. Michael Jordon gives a standard for a basketball God. Yes, we invented basketball. Yes, Mike is great at basketball. This does not mean that Michael Jordon basketball God must have omnipresent capabilities and be physically everywhere at every point for infinity in all directions.

@Omnedon human 12th to 15th century origin. Homo sapian 1802 not as old.

Gods, biblical text much older, do your own research. "People" being called gods is much older than human or homo sapien.

human (adj.)
mid-15c., humain, humaigne, "human," from Old French humain, umain (adj.) "of or belonging to man" (12c.)

Homo sapiens (n.)
the genus of human beings, 1802, in William Turton's translation of Linnæus, coined in Modern Latin from Latin homo "man" (technically "male human," but in logical and scholastic writing "human being;" see homunculus) + sapiens, present participle of sapere "be wise" (see sapient).

@Omnedon another style of god is the Christian. They refer to themselves as a "Child of God" even in modern times.

The butterfly analogy is that just as a butterfly has a Caterpillar stage, you see a Christian in a "child" stage of being a God. Any Christian by labeling them selves as a Christian with the education that they are a "child" of god is then claiming to be a god simply by claiming to be a Christian.

@Omnedon I do not claim to be Christian any more, but that is how stupid atheist looks when they are trying to tell a Christian of all people, "I lack belief that you exist" and the "God child" is standing right in front of the illogical atheist.

@Omnedon Belief means accept as true. Your lacking to accept as true does not change the fact I exist and I am labeled as a God, A father(I have my part in creating 2 children), I am a son a long with other labels. I really do exist.

@Omnedon what ever you define as God, that you do not see evidence for from me, is not the style of god that I am. It is like you recognize Michael Jordon basketball God, but you want evidence for him to be pasta in the sky with meatballs. Michael Jordon and myself are not pasta in the sky with meatballs and we are not saying we are pasta in the sky with meatballs but this is the evidence you ard asking for. So, no, I am not here to give you evidence as if I am pasta in the sky with meatballs.

@Omnedon Thank you for a good example to use showing a statement of being in denial when faced with the fact of the facts that are factually presented. "This has become circular. You've made a claim but provide no evidence. You are not a god, but rather a person. Good luck to you."

@Omnedon you are now making an illogical statement saying I stated no fact but made a confident statement of fact.

a confident and forceful statement of fact ...

@Omnedon I pull straws you say, but you make a strawman fallacy.

You make a strawman God and say I am not your strawman God.

@Omnedon yes I understand you, you do not follow with understanding logic to make a conclusion properly.

@Omnedon I can make an equivocation myself. Illogical atheists are Non sequiturs, they do not follow logos(logic)god.

John 1:1 in the beginning was the logos, the logos was with God and was God. John 1:14 ... logos become flesh.

By some illogical reason illogical atheist become flesh, (a person.) Atheist makes for an illogical god.

@Omnedon Logos is thought, word, reason capabilities, cognition in the flesh. Be the word. Be the reason for your thinking. Think, cognition, logos freely my illogical atheist friend, think freely!


Awesome question! You'll never get a satisfactory explanation. Because there is none. A great old band comes to mind. Blind Faith!


Whether or not a person is an atheist depends, of course, on who is making the call and how they define atheism. I'm sure plenty of fundamentalist Christians would call me an atheist, and that wouldn't offend me, but I don't identify myself as an atheist because I see the terms, atheist, agnostic, and theist as describing a person's relative belief in a literal god, and I am not a religious literalist.

Though the dictionary doesn't require it, in popular use, atheism is assumed to include an absence of religious practice, as well as an assumed uselessness, if not outright harmfulness, of the concept of a god, even if only metaphorical.

I don't make those assumptions. The only gods I don't believe in are literal gods. I am a religious figuratist - a person who maintains a religious practice, and who sees great value in figures of speech outside of literal, descriptive prose. That does not mean I refuse to use literal prose. To the contrary, I find it the most useful of all. I just understand and appreciate poetic expression as well, and enjoy the richness and range of communication it affords. The world would be pretty bleak without art.

I am not an atheist. I am not a religious literalist of any description. I don't create an identity for myself based on the belief or non-belief in a literal deity. Metaphorical gods are self-evident and undeniable. They don't invite belief or allow disbelief. They are figures of speech. As C. G. Jung (correctly in my view) assessed, the highest ideal that a person holds, consciously or unconsciously, is their "god" functionally speaking. To forbid that kind of language is to cripple human communication, and to ignore the very foundations of culture. It is tribalism at its most insidious.



skado Level 9 Nov 1, 2020

Thanks for your very thoughtful response.


Most here are atheists....or agnostic....


I like the Russian word: Безбожник .


The reason I am an atheist is because I have found no testable evidence for a god. Do you have any testable evidence for a god?


"Because I have faith". Can';t argue with that. G'bye.


But I am an atheist. I am an agnostic atheist all the way. I am agnostic and I am without god. I view being an "agnostic theist" as an oxymoron unless you call yourself a Deist. Today we have science which answers a lot of Deistic questions.


I am a proper Noun a verb as Bucky Fuller said BUT NOT MIS-defined as a lower case adjective by the xian dictionaries.... we Atheists demand rational definition and proof exactly what and where believers alleged gawd things are alleged to exist.... they always fail because we Atheists are free from the disease of religion that harms baby boys at birth and rapes billions of girls.... "god" & "gods" are NOT words .... deities are references without objects to refer to.... the most evil idea to evolve out of language in the last 30 thousand years


Some people have never questioned or challenged their childhood indoctrinations and religious upbringing, they wrongly take it as an established fact.

"If I declare that my god is real and that it's scriptures are infallible."/


Just do not believe what I can not see, touch, or have an actual two way conversation with!!!

If it is not tangible, then it is mostly hype and pure BS!!!

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