Tempted to believe you because you commonly provide evidence for your claims. Surely you don't still support.him?
@Hages You're hitting on the fundamental difference between the parties, inclusion vs. exclusion. It applies to all issues, including religion.
You are the first con I've encountered on this website who understands the significance of evidence and that I don't feel is trying to deceive me. Thank you for that.
@Hages And worse. Fear is a destructive force.
@Hages That may be true for you, but fear is fundamental to conservatism not necessarily religion. For instance, most of the cons on here either don't know what evidence is or don't care.
@Hages Shapiro is irrelevant, as is his quote.
@Hages On Shapiro
@Hages On conservative fear
@Hages You have promise. Not everyone does. We must consider all. I like that you are still learning. We all should be.
@Hages Thank you for thinking of me.