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LINK Kamala Harris makes history as the new vice president-elect

This is a great thing for women all over the world, and for the United States in general. Women have no limits!

HippieChick58 9 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Even us non-US folks are very excited about this!!! We love her!!! We need strong female leadership in Canada to throw off the old boys' club. Well, Trudeau isn't old (he's the same age as I am) but still, I want someone like Kamala Harris please.


We've been waiting a long time for this. I'm glad we have Harris as VP. And if Biden resigns or dies in office, she will become the first female president! I hope this will open the doors wide for the women who want to preside over this country.

HippieChick58 2028. 😀

LOL!! Thanks, but I would not be a good president and I don't plan on coming out of retirement to take that job. Now either one of my older daughters would be an amazing president, they will be the right age, and they're definitely smart enough. But I really don't want either of them moving to DC. One of them lived in DC for a few years so I am familiar with the city, but I don't want her to move her children away from me.


Good for her! I hope she runs for president in the next election.


It's historic; but is it historic enough?

Still wanted President Clinton in 2016, dammit. This is some compensation, but not yet enough for 4 years of Trump.


A breath of fresh air finally.


Kamala Harris is going to be a breath of fresh air for the US. I wonder if her election will promote Indian-American relations in any significant ways ?

TO_BY Level 7 Nov 7, 2020

I am glad for her. I said she would be a good "Veep."


Regardless how you feel about Kamala, this is a great moment for the nation


Imo, a woman running ANY country would be the greatest asset to the people of that country BUT the men, as it stands now, will, most likely NEVER allow that to happen unfortunately, look what happened to Julia Gillard here in Australia.

When the male majority starts showing respect and support for women achieving their potential, we can do anything. But we have to stick together and women tend to be competitive bitches much of the time.

Indira Ghandi of India, Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain, and Golda Meir of Israel all served as heads of state, and Angela Merckel has done a stellar job as Chancellor of Germany and de facto leader of the free world in the absence of a trustworthy American president.

Women are definitely capable, and I hope to see a woman as an American president during my life time. Who knows, a lot of former VPs have gone on to serve as President,( hopefully our current Vice President won't join their ranks); so Kamala may break yet another barrier.

@JimG "( hopefully our current Vice President won't join their ranks)".

You mean "will" join their ranks?!

Apologies my bad. I realise you mean Pence 😉 after @ReadyforaChange pointed that out to me 👍

@TimeOutForMe They mean Pence....I doubt Mother will let him run though.

@JimG Sorry BUT I find including the 'Iron Maiden', Thatcher in that list of Great women a kind of insult to ALL women.
Imo, Thatcher was a despotic, arrogant Bitch of the first Order.

@Triphid I was only referring to women who've been head of state; so I left it, but not without reservation. I never could stand her coddling of our bumbling idiot POTUS.

I don't know if May would have been a better choice to represent the UK.

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