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Do you like to go to the Zoo?

I love going to the Zoo and seeing all of the animals. I am an animal lover. Do you ever go to your city Zoo?

5082gregory 7 Apr 11

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I do but they're not ideal.


Some zoos. I love zoos with natural habitat, enrichment programs who foster animals who can't be in the wild.


I love seeing the exotic animals, but it is depressing that they are contained. It's even more depressing that so many are almost extinct in the wild.

JimG Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

I don't like the smell


It was fun when I was a kid, but s an adult I feel sorry for the animals.


Mixed feelings on that one.


I love the zoo in Seattle, tho I sometimes feel bad for the animals having to be caged. The breeding programs for threaten and endangered species is very important. The human herd sure could use some thinning. lol

I feel the same. The MN Zoo has done a good job of trying to recreate the environment for each species so they aren’t just stuck in a cage like the old days. But I do still feel badly for the animals at times.


When I was kid yeah if is looked after well

Rosh Level 7 Apr 11, 2018
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