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Happy Veterans’ Day!

This is me in 1985 in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, studying to be a 91Q (Pharmacy Technician). I had eyebrows back in those days. πŸ˜„

The second photo is after I graduated in 1986. It truly was another lifetime ago.

Apunzelle 7 Nov 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you for your service.

Unity Level 8 Nov 15, 2020

Thank you for your service, courage and sacrifice.


When & what is your veterans day for?

It’s November 11 every year and a time to honor people who’ve served in the U.S. military.

@Apunzelle That's interesting.English Commonwealth countries since 1919 have used it to honour those who died in war. The time & date 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month was first recognised after WWI in 1919.

@FrayedBear Well, the USA also has Memorial Day to remember those who have died in war. We commemorate that the last Monday of May.


My service was from 1959 - 11962, most of it in West Berlin.; I kow what you ,mean. Sometimes it does seem 2 lifetimes ago. But the time in Berlin profoundly shaped my life.


Happy veterans day !


Honoring all honorable vets this 102nd ARMISTICE DAY as every day should be the day ALL ARMS STAND SILENT


Thank You for your service!


Was there in1970 great place to learn

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 11, 2020

What was your MOS?

@Apunzelle 91b combat medic later became P.A. as civilian but member S.A.P.A.

@Apunzelle What was yours

@bobwjr 91Q Pharmacy Technician. I was part of an evacuation hospital (kind of like MASH).

@Apunzelle I did dust off


no eyebrows, have you had your thyroid checked?

Yup, I’m good. They’re just growing in white, and they don’t grow back when I pluck them. 😭😭😭


I salute your service. Fort Sam Houston is in San Antonio, Texas. My youngest daughter goes to college in San Antonio. I have lived in Houston, Texas since I was 16. Move here with my parents.

Nice! I need to go back for a visit. I was too poor to do much when I was there. I did love strolling the Riverwalk.


Happy Veterans Day!


Happy Veterans Day!


Thank you for your service!

djs64 Level 7 Nov 11, 2020
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