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Humans Have Taken Their First Trip Inside a Hyperloop

A hyperloop "is a combination of pneumatic tubes and contactless levitation. Like current maglev (magnetic levitation) trains, hyperloop pods will benefit from frictionless motion, with two sets of magnets working together to repel and push the train off from the tracks and forward, creating a floating effect'." . . . The pods can transport passengers or cargo at speeds of around 600mph. Several companies internationally are contracting with countries globally to build hyperloop systems to connect major cities. []
See video.

AnonySchmoose 8 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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This is a tech that we need to take seriously..

I agree. Use of Hyperloops would definitely affect the use of fossil fuels.
Maybe that's why some are critical of Hyperloop.
Mag-Lev trains are generally considered to be among the most safe and comfortable rapid transit systems in the world.
I don't feel Mag-Lev Pods and Tubes are much different.


I'm for it.

I am definitely for it.


I think I'd be afraid to climb into one of those tubes. It may be routine one day. I'll be dead by then.

I guess it wouldn't be too different from a mag-lev train, unless you don't like enclosed spaces.

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